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Aliah's POV
We both leaned in and just stared at each other as I was about to lean in all the way my phone dings. I look at Billie and she gives me a reassuring smile. I looked at my phone and saw a name I was dreading ever seeing again. It was my ex Ana. I was happy not knowing what was going on in her life and then after 3 years, she decided she finally wants to try and talk to me again. Hell no. The smile that was once on my face is no longer there and Billie must have noticed because she asked me if I was okay. I lied to her and told her I was fine followed by a fake smile.

We got out of the car and headed over to the tent-type thing Billie had set up. I could feel a pair of eyes watching me. I turn to see Billie staring at me.

"What Eilish?" She realized she was staring and she blushed. She quickly turned her head trying to hide her face so I couldn't see it.

"N-nothing mama," she said, still hiding her face.

"Okay, sure. And you ain't gotta hide your face from me."

"Why not?"

"Because it's cute seeing you all soft and shit" she smiled and looked back up at me. Her beautiful blues were now staring into my eyes as she leaned in, I went to lean in but I stopped myself. I can't do this not today anyway.

"I-i'm sorry I can't Billie."

"No I'm sorry I shouldn't have tried to do that, it's my fault" I wanted to kiss her, but now just isn't the right time.

"No, Billie it's not your fault I want to kiss you I do but I can't"

"Why can't you Aliah?"

"it's hard to explain, it's not something that needs to be talked about right now. Let's enjoy the rest of our night."

"Okay mama, whenever you're ready to talk about it I'm here for you"

"Thanks, Billie"

"Anytime love" We sat down on one of the haystacks that were set up outside the tent and talked about her career and where I want to be in life. I told her I wanted to be a model one day and she said that it would be cool and that the career choice suits me. We talked for a few more hours and then it got late so we headed back to my house.

*At Aliah's House*

We pulled up to my house and Billie got out of the car and walked to my side of the car. She opened the door for me.

"After you my lady"

"Oh, stop Billie. You're so soft" I said that while slightly blushing at what she had said before.

"I am not soft" she argued with me.

"Yes. You. Are. The fuck" I laughed at my own words.

"Fine, whatever. Only for you though never anyone else my love"

I smiled at what she said. We sat on the couch and watched The Office. I was just sitting there chilling watching Tv when I felt a pair of eyes burning into the side of my head. I look over at Billie and she is smiling at me with her beautiful smile. Her smile always makes me feel some type of way inside. She is so beautiful. I want to tell her about what Ana did to me when we were together. I do plan on telling her but I only just met her I need to know for sure she is going to stay and leave me for some other bitch when I do get to the point I want to tell her. I must have been deeply zoned out because I didn't hear Billie when she called my name.


"Yes, Billie?" I asked playing dumb like I didn't know what she was yelling at me for.

"What were you thinking about?" she asked me.

"O-oh, nothing important," I said, smiling at her. She didn't seem convinced that it was nothing with the look she gave me.

"I know something's up, what is it?"

"My ex texted me earlier and I ignored it not wanting to think about her and it just popped back into my head while I was sitting here. I promise it's nothing else." That was a lie. Billie's face dropped lower than it already was if that's was even possible.

"Okay mama, I'm always here for you and you know that"

"Yes, I know Billie. I'm glad you're here for me, I'm grateful for you being here for me."

She smiled at what I said and we both went back to watching The Office. I got cold so I scooted closer to Billie and she opened her arms for me to lay in them. I got in her arms and got comfortable. Billie put her hand on my head and started rubbing my scalp with her hand, I could feel my breathing begin to slow down. Billie leaned down and kissed my forehead, that's the last thing I remember before drifting off to sleep.

New Character⬇️

Ana Corson18BisexualDon't know what kinda job so just whatever you want it to be

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Ana Corson
Don't know what kinda job so just whatever you want it to be.
I love y'all stay safe
Eat something. Drink something.
Thank you,
enjoy 💕
Probably has some spelling issues because I didn't read it. I have absolutely no motivation to do this.

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