1-The Train Back Home

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Hermione leaned onto Ron's shoulders as he squeezed her hand. Their room was silent; The only sound heard was the train moving.
Hermione's heart made a leap every time she saw out the window. She had never felt this way before when going to Hogwarts.
Ron wasn't feeling comfortable either. He constantly gulped nervously as he looked outside. His hands became sweaty and his heart thumped nervously. A voice in his head constantly told him, 'You shouldn't have come back."
But every time Ron trembled, Hermione gently squeezed his hand and patted his arm whispering, "Everything is going to be alright."

Kids were constantly peeking in their window once in a while, and some even took a picture! Ron couldn't help but frown at them. They were making it worse. But Hermione, Merlin's beard, loved the kids. She would motion them to come in once in a while and sign cards for them. She would then force Ron to smile when taking a picture with them. Ron would then force a smile for Hermione. It was sweet of her but slightly annoying at the same time.

Ron couldn't help but notice how the number of first years had decreased. Their year could triple the number of first years that year. Memories popped in here and then about their first year.

"It's a pity Harry chose not to return," Hermione broke the silence, lifting her head from Ron's shoulders.
"Mm.." Ron managed to reply.
He was horrified when Hermione told them she was going back.
"I guess it's right for him not to return. He still blames himself," Hermione continued, scooting closer to Ron.
"Mm.." Ron nodded, avoiding her eyes.
Hermione slipped her hand out of his and cupped his cheeks, making him look at him.
She smiled encouragingly.
"Ron, it's going to be alright, you know that, don't you?" She caressed his cheek.
"Thanks for coming with me. I know it was hard for you," Hermione sighed.
Ron looked at her and finally smiled.
He pulled her in and gave her a peck on the lips. Hermione blushed as she quickly turned to see if anybody was looking.
"I love you, you know that, don't you?" He whispered and squeezed her hand.

He turned around again, returning to his original position. Hermione couldn't help but smile as she leaned on his shoulder again.
Hermione knew how hard it was for Ron. It was hard for Hermione to go back too, but she couldn't dare to compare to Ron's pain.
He chose to go with her because he wanted to be with her, but Molly was heart broken. She allowed Ron to go, but a part of her that could never be healed was poked by a stick again, making her relive that experience.

Ron stared outside the window. His stomach was churning now. He could see Hogwarts' magnificent towers through the fog. The lights shining through. For a moment he felt relaxed. It seemed like nothing had changed.
'Home,' he thought to himself.
But all those painful memories can flowing through and his heart ached.

Hermione sighed as she stare at Hogwarts. Mixed emotions took over her. It was home. A place she loved more than home for the past 7 years. The place she had longed to return to in the woods. The place she brought destruction to. The place she couldn't keep safe. She looked away, biting her lips.

The train slowed down and finally stopped. They could hear children whispering nervously outside. A lot of familiar faces smiled warmly at them from outside. Hermione waved back at some of her friends. Her classmates were nowhere to be seen since they were suppose to graduate last year. She saw a lot of people from the grade below her.

"First years!" A very familiar voice boomed from the station.
It was Hagrid. He seemed to have lost a little weight and seemed much smaller than they remembered, but it was Hagrid.
"Hagrid!!" Ron called, waving at him.
"Hermione! Ron!" Hagrid laughed, walking towards them.
He pulled both of them into a big hug.
"I heard from yer mother that yer were cmin back!" He smiled.
He welcomed them warmly and quickly returned to the first years who seemed extremely lost.

Riding the carriages towards Hogwarts, Hermione and Ron fell deep in thought. Memories and mixed emotions took over them. They really couldn't figure our how to feel.
"Well, we are home," Ron said, his voice croaky from not talking too long.
"Home," Hermione echoed, nodding as she took Ron's hands.
They got off the carriage and climbed up the familiar stairs they had missed for so long.
"I never thought I'd miss climbing this stairs," Ron laughed huskily.
Hermione laughed, remembering how Ron dreaded so stairs especially when he was always late to class.

Everybody went ahead, and all that was left was the last flight of stairs that brought them to the Great Hall. They paused for a moment, almost hesitating slightly. Hermione moved first. But Ron called.
His breathing got rough as he desperately clung on to Hermione's wrist. His face was flushed, and his eyes were slightly teary.
"Wait," he breathed, looking down on the floor.
He buried his face in his hands as he tried to calm down for a moment. Hermione rushed and pulled him into a hug as she tried to hold back her own tears.
She tried to stay strong, but when she saw Ron fall apart, she fell apart.
"Ron, I'm so sorry," Hermione whispered as she kissed his head.
Ron remained silent and breathed for a while until he calmed down.

He managed to smile as he took her hand.
"Let's go. Let's go back home," Ron smiled.
Hermione nodded as she took his hand.

Together, they climbed up the stairs, step by step, and officially came back home.

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