Partial Revelation

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Arjun's POV

I finally took a hot shower and was drying myself. My brain was playing tricks with me again. I remembered her in that towel. Her eyes showed shock and humiliation or maybe embarrassment. I really didn't want to decode that and I really don't want that to happen ever again. Ugh! I need to get those thoughts out of my head. Probably she is also one of our guests for today's event. I won't be able to face her in the party if I keep remembering that incident. It was just an accident.  Anyways, I have bigger problems to deal with. I sighed remembering what is about to happen today.

Mansi...I wonder what will she wear today. Will she keep her hair open or tie it in a bun? Arjun! Snap out of it. She is your sister in law now. You need to remember that and maintain your character. Remembering this, I smiled bitterly.

"If only I confessed to you before him." I looked at myself in the mirror and decided then.

"I, Arjun Saxena, will never fall in love again." I seemed like a child who was taking a silly oath but it all seemed worth it. From now on, I shall never be the kind hearted guy people knew anymore. Being cold felt better than to entangle myself in something that will eventually hurt me. That was the correct decision for me right? Without giving a second thought, I looked at the blue tuxedo that I was supposed to wear for today's event. I looked at it and kept it back in my wardrobe. I picked out the black tuxedo that was lying there for a long time. To be honest, I despised the colour black. But now it seemed my colour. So lifeless and so quiet. For now, let's just try to make others happy and keep my happiness aside. I got ready in my black tux and finally went downstairs.

Preeti's POV

I was exasperated this time. I really didn't know how much time has passed. Everything has come to a pause. Neither the sun is rising nor the moon is setting. I went outside to look for food. Fortunately some super markets opened for the entire night which made it possible for me to not starve for the entire span of this episode. Honestly, I didn't know when will things get back to normal. It was better if I was also frozen like everyone else. Hungry, I opened the doors of the super market nearest to my house. Looking, at the clock, I sighed louder, 3AM it is! Just like before. I went in and grabbed a big packet of Maggie. I went to the cashier and opened my phone to scan the QR code to pay him the money. I found it really weird when I realised that my money transactions weren't messing up because of this whole time freeze. Remember to appreciate the bank once all this is over. After the payment transaction was successful, I took out a piece of paper and wrote '1 packet of Maggie family pack. Payment done' on the paper and kept it on the table along with the other notes that I have left on his table every time I came here and  bought something from here. I left the store and returned home only to cook the noodles and eat it peacefully. To be honest, I  didn't hate it. Being the only one able to move freely. There must be a reason why all this is happening. Not only was I able to live my way but I was also free of all the responsibilities that was bestowed upon me and now I can do anything I wanted to. But I did miss my best friend Sunaina. It would have been fun if she was here. I was busy slurring down my noodles when I heard the computer type again. The last thing I read was Sunaina getting ready in her blue saree and Arjun getting ready in her black tux. Man! I never wanted him to turn out to be a cold dominating person. And he hated the colour black. This computer is ruining my very own character. Why the hell is everything going out of my hand. I can't do anything for now except reading what was going on. On the other hand, I was kinda happy for the way things were turning out for Sunaina. She never really dressed up and didn't even bother to learn any make up skills. Sometimes, I really wondered if she was really a girl. But on times, seeing her crying like a baby, I realise how hard everything must be for her. So if she is getting a few memories and some happiness, what harm can it do? That was before I went to the supermarket. I looked at the computer and the words brought a chill down my spine.

'Suddenly a man draped in a black robe, came inside Gayathri villa. I was unable to recognise his face, but his eyes seemed scary.

"Who are you?" I asked. He didn't speak to me but instead kept a note on my table and went away. I chased him down but it was all in vain. I returned to my room and found the note. Opening the note, I shivered to the core.

"We finally met my love. I will kill him for you and then finally you will be mine." The note was written in blood. Who was he? How did he know me. That's only possible if he...'

"If he belonged to the real world and went inside the story first." I didn't had to read what the computer was typing because that's what struck her and me both together- at the same time. Now everything seems clearer to me now. Someone entered the story before Sunaina to kill off Arjun. Maybe that's why the story pulled Sunaina in to give both of them a second chance and catch this imposter from the real world. But can that be really possible?

She has so much in mind but she knew she can only wait for her computer to type. But one thing is for sure, she believed in her best friend and in destiny.

Hi everyone. So I released another chapter. Honestly, I never expected that so many of you will actually like this plot of mine. I never wrote it for the sake of getting views or anything so when I found that I am receiving more views than expected, I was elated. It is an humble request of mine that you guys leave your crucial comments for this book. This will help me make this story better for you all.
Thank you for loving this book. ❤️

THIS SIDE THAT SIDE Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora