'We should stop them!' Sarah sighs as we look over at the boys fighting. 'I suppose.' I chuckle breaking apart from the hug. 'John b! JJ! Kie! Pope! Stop! 'I yell grabbing their attention as we all look at each other before running. JJ runs to me and grabs my arm as we all run to the van, everyone yelling and shouting at us from behind us. 'Well, that was a little unexpected.' JJ grunts as he leans on the exterior of the van. 'Was it?' Kie looks over at us. John B laid in the back with a can pressed against his head, Pope sits in the driver seat beside Kie while JJ and I still stand outside. 'Hey, maybe she'll come around.' JJ tries to assure John b. 'It's like everything that happens to us didn't matter.' John b mumbles. 'Are you okay?' JJ asks turning to face me as he scans my body for any injuries. 'I'm fine. I just helped Sarah out with that girl.' I roll my eyes. 'Did she say something?' JJ asks and I let out a sigh. 'The bitch fucking called our baby a mistake!' I say angrily and JJ rolls his eyes. 'Don't listen to her or anyone else, baby. None of what they say is true.' He says softly and I nod. 'I know.' I mutter pulling him in for a hug.


We all head back to the Chateau as we decided to throw our own little party in the backyard. Pope starts the fire, Kie and I turn in the lights outside while John b and JJ grab drinks from the fridge. 'I've had more black eyes in the last month than I've ever had in my life.' Pope says as he puts a marshmallow on a stick. 'That was building up for years. Rumble in the jungle.' JJ chuckles as he hands me some of his marshmallow and I take them and eat them. 'Hey, did you really stick up for Sarah?' John b asks looking at me. 'Of course I did. She's family.' I state. 'I saw you full on punch the other girl.' Kie says as we burst out laughing. 'The bitch had it coming.' I say rolling my eyes.

JJ winces, throwing his hands back as he touches the hot smore, he had just made. He tries to pick it up, but drops it again. 'Give it a minute, JJ.' I tell him as I let out a snicker. 'I just want one bite.' My brother says as he takes a pile of Kie's marshmallows and starts eating them before she notices. 'What are you doing? No, stop!' She protests as he downs them. 'You're not having any of mine. I already have one marshmallow thief beside me.' JJ states as I glare at him. 'Hey! You didn't have a problem with me taking them.' I defend and he chuckles placing a kiss on my cheek before stuffing a marshmallow in my mouth. 'I spent my money on that.' Kie states glaring at John b. 'I'm stealing your marshmallows.' Kie tells Pope as John b looks off into the distance. 'Ssh. Someone's here.' John b shushes us all as we look in the direct he is. 'You don't think Topper would..' Kie goes to speak. 'He wouldn't!' I state cutting her off. 'Do you have the gun?' Kie asks JJ and he shakes his head. 'Oh, now y'all want the gun.' He throws his hands in the air. 'You don't have it.' Kie argues. Pope shushes them as we follow after John b. JJ grabs me and pulls me behind him.

'How are y'all doing?' Redfield, Limbrey's right hand man asks emerging form behind the trees. 'This piece of shit!' Pope groans. 'For fuck sake.' I curse as JJ places his hand around my back and pulls me as close as possible to him. 'Lovely evening, we're having.' He says, walking closer to us as he puts his hand in the air, showing us he's weaponless. 'Look, I don't hold grudges with any of y'all all right, but this can either go the hard or easy way.' He says as he moves his jacket a little, revealing his gun. 'You know what I'm here for.' He states pointing directly at Pope. 'Let me show you a little demonstration. You see that swing.' He points towards the swing. 'I got the best bow hunters in the Army Rangers with me.' He states with a devilish smirk. JJ walks over to the swing. 'Hmm.' He says as Renfield whistles and moments later a arrow comes flying above JJs head hitting the rope, my eyes widen in fear.

John b, JJ and Pope immediately pull Kie and I behind them as they used their bodies as protection for us. JJ goes to hit Renfield, but he quickly whistles and an arrow gets shot at the front of JJ's feet. 'JJ!' I gasp as Renfield smirks. 'Now I'm not gonna give you a countdown or any bullshit. I'm just gonna whistle.' He states and we all look at each other with worry. 'And I know your girlfriend is pregnant with your child, buddy, so I wouldn't try anything like that again, or..' he looks at JJ pausing for a moment than turning around to face me. 'I'll let them shoot at her.' He chuckles as JJ clenches his jaw and fists in anger as he steps back beside me. Pope takes a deep breath as he takes out the key from his pocket. 'This key belongs to my family.' Pope speaks sternly, letting out a sigh of defeat as he hands the key over to Renfield.

'Did the right thing, kid.' Renfield says. 'Stay safe y'all and have a good night.' He smirks before walking away, taking the bow hunters with him. I let out a deep breath like I felt I've been holding in for so long as I pull JJ in for a hug. 'I'm so sick of this shit.' Pope says annoyedly, as he walks the other way, not knowing if he wanted to run away, punch something or breakdown crying. Pope heads inside and goes into our dads old room, slamming the door behind him not coming out for the rest of the night, while Kie goes to sleep on the hammock outside. JJ, John b and I put out the fire and clean up outside the backyard before turning off the back lights and heading inside to bed. JJ and I just stayed up talking, kissing and just cuddling each other all night, too scared to fall asleep incase anyone else would like to pay us an unexpected visit.

To be Continued...

Audacious//JJ Maybank (Outerbanks)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz