Herod Westwood: LXXVII

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"Stop it!" Adleth swatted Herod's hand. "This is not the time to fight. For the love of the gods, Asher is still missing!" He grit his teeth and sighed.

"Don't keep information to yourself again." Herod whispered. "Markos.. It.. it could get us killed ok?" He knelt down to the trembling and anguished cultist, offering a hand to get him up. "Now. let's figure out how we kill them." Herod clarified.

"Cthulhu.." Markos mutterted. "What's the worst thing I can summon?" My oh my, he was pissed. While he was still angry with Markos, Herod knew his friend wasn't all there in the head, it was all of their faults for not also being there for whenever Vincent came back.

"We shall hit them in the night.. They will never see it coming.." Alekzandr raised his rifle to the table top giving them all a determined look.

"This.. I.. don't think this is a good idea." Riu was sitting near the bar looking utterly distressed with the discussion of charging with the Gralhunds.

"I agree." Andraste added. Fucking bastards. Herod normally liked Riu, though it was slow to happen. And he had no real opinions on Andraste since she held herself up in her room non-stop. But now was not the time to play it safe, Asher was either dead or captured. Which meant they would be running in spells blazing.

"Listen." Alekzandr audibly got angry at this. "Would you ditch one of your friends, just because they're in trouble, simply because it puts you in trouble?" He snarled, giving Andraste a dirty look.

"You're in no condition drunk-" Andraste started but the sniper tossed a flask of vodka at the wall, brought his rifle up to his chin and fired off a spell before she could finish the sentence. The brew exploded with a quiet sound. *Chn-flink* Andraste frowned. "Seeing how all my friends are dead.."

"Don't you want to right your wrongs? And take back, what was taken? Your party died in the undermountain. I understand your pain. But we speak of this family now. Our. Family." Alekzandr was waving his arms in anger.

"Asher could still be alive." Herod interjected. "We've got to do something. We can't just leave him! What.. are you afraid of some jail time?"

"There is so much to lose. Just attacking a FEW nobles. This is idiocy." Riu shot back, her voice was pained.

"Who cares!" Alekzandr replied.

"What, little girl never breaks any rules?" Adleth asked, she looked enraged. "How pacifist can you be? We sneak in, slit their throats, find our friend and leave." She was bouncing on one step. It looked to be Himself, Adleth, and Alekzandr against Andraste and Riu.

"What is it we have to lose, eh?" Alekzandr raised his hands in objection.

"Asher, regardless of how you may feel Riu." Herod started "Was our friend we can't-"

"You don't think I know that?!" Riu snapped. She pushed at Herod. "I know you may want to save him. Hell I do, but this is a terrible idea!"

"Then we make it a better one!" Markos growled. "Let's summon things they will never see coming.. And burn it all down."

"While that may seem like rightful vengeance." Alekzandr explained. "I doubt.. You could control much." He gently set a hand on Markos's shoulder but the half-elf wasn't having it he shoved him off.

"Here!" Markos reached into his pocket and pulled forth a tangled mess of necklaces and metallic symbols. Elder signs. "Put on as many as you like! Fucking carve it into your skin. Whatever comes out wont attack you." He sounded so sinister his eyes seemingly glitched with the necklaces so close, from purple to green, to red to yellow. They flashed between ugly browns and odd mixtures.

The Keepers of Chaos: A Vault of HellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora