'Sarah, I'm so sorry, baby, I can't!' Ward yells as he pressed a button which pulls up the anchor. 'Dad? What are you doing? No, no, no!' Sarah yells at him. 'Ward, this ain't gonna end the way you want it to! You don't need her seeing this.' Shoupe calls out as the sound of sirens begin wailing and two boats appear. 'I love you!' Ward calls out to Sarah, as he goes inside the boat. 'No, no, no, dad!' Sarah cries out to him. After a moment, the sound of an explosion echos through my ears and everyone gasps in shock, it took me a moment to adjust myself and see what had just happened. My eyes widen as I see the boat blow up into flames. 'Holy shit!' I gasp as I flinch back into JJ's arms, him using his body as a shield for me as the flying debree flew over us. Gasps were heard as Sarah breaks down into tears, falling to her knees, as she calls out for her dad.

I just stood there in shock, JJ, Pope and Kie mimicked the same expression. Kie started to cry while my brother, well, he just stood there with a straight face, without a care in the world. Topper comes running towards Sarah, and embraces her into a hug, comforting her as she looks at my brother for comfort, but he just stands there, staring blankly at the boat up in flames. I don't know why, but I even begin to cry. I didn't cry because of Ward's death. I cried for Sarah. I felt JJ fingers brush through my hair trying to calm me as I cry onto his chest. Ward is dead. And I should be happy that the man who murdered my father, the man who's at fault for my father never coming back to John b and I, he'll never see us graduate, get married, walk me down the aisle or meet my child. And that fucking breaks me. So, why am I not happy?


After the traumatic scene, we all went back home while Sarah stayed behind. We haven't seen her since the accident and to be honest, I'm worried for her. After all, she witnessed her father commit suicide. I tried calling Wheezie this morning but there was no answer. The four of them sit outside on the HMS Pogue, as I make my way down there with an angry face.

'What is wrong with you!' I yell grabbing all of their attention. 'Why didn't you do anything?' I argue looking at my brother as he just lays on his stomach on the HMS Pogue, as Pope and JJ lean on the railing, fishing. 'He killed our father, Jackie. Or did you forget that?' My brother scoffs and I gasp as I flinch back at his words. 'Of...Of course I haven't. Every day is always a reminder of him killing Dad.' I choke on my words as I hold back my tears. 'What was I supposed to do?' He questions and I groan. 'Hug her? Comfort her? Say your condolences? I don't know what you should've done, but you should've done something instead of just standing there while your wife breaks down right beside you.' I argue as tears fall from my eyes, I notice JJ, Pope and Kie glancing at me. 'You don't know what it's like.' He lets out a sigh and I laugh. 'I don't know what it's like? I fucking lost my father too, John b. I'm a seventeen year old pregnant girl, who's father was murdered and living a life full of pain. I wake up every day worrying if the bills were paid or if we have food to put on the table for us. I am always paranoid that someone will come up behind me and just shoot me because there are so many people that want us dead, right now' I scream letting all my anger out. 'All the shit that has happened to us, Johnny! I'm fucking surprised I haven't given up yet either! But I wouldn't just sit down in silence while the person I love, mourns for their loss and is going through a rough time. She fucking needs you, right now.' I yell and he looks at me.  'You know what, I can't do this! I don't need this stress, right now!' I say angrily getting off the HMS Pogue and head up to the house. 'Jackie!' JJ calls out as he follows after me.

'Baby! Baby. Hey, come here.' JJ says as he grabs my hand and turns me around to face him. 'Please, don't cry.' JJ says as he wipes away my tears, pulling me in for a hug. 'I don't know how to feel, JJ. I watched a man die, yesterday. We all watched a man die yesterday. And I'm so fucking scared, I'm so scared.' I cry out as he strokes his arm up and down my back. 'I know, baby. So, am I.' He confesses. 'I'm scared of all of this too, babe. I'm scared of losing you, John b, Kie and Pope. I'm scared that somehow life is going to fuck everything up for us once again, and it'll all end badly. I'm scared that I'll lose you forever and that..and that, I'll never see our child come into this world. Because I have no clue if today is going to be my last one or not...and I don't want to die.' JJ blurts out as tears fall from his eyes. 'You're not going to die, JJ!' I say confidently as I cup his face in my hands. 'Never say that, because I don't even want to think about ever losing you!' I say as tears fall down my cheek. 'I don't want to think about it either, but we're starting a family, Jackie. All I can think about are the what ifs.' JJ says to me and I let out a sigh.

'I have no clue what the future has in store for us, I really don't even want to think about it because it scares the life out of me. But I know for a fact..I know that you and I will be forever. No matter what happens, it's you, me and our baby.' I say as a faint smile appears on both our faces. 'You and our baby are my reason to carry on and to never give up, no matter all the shit that has happened or will happen to us. Even if we get the gold or not, I don't care anymore because I have the biggest treasure of all...You and our baby.' I confess. 'You and our baby are my most precious and dearest treasure of all too. And I'll always fight for you and our baby, no matter. It's you, me and the baby, forever.' He says with a smirk on his face and I smile looking up at him. 'I love you so fucking much.' I cry as I wrap my hands around his neck and rest my head on his. 'I fucking love you too. So much.' JJ says excitedly before crashing his lips on mine. I could taste his tears as we embrace each other. No matter what happens, I know, I'll always have our baby and JJ. They are my entire world and I would do anything for them. And it scares me to think that someday, I might...I might lose them. 'Let's go inside.' He whispers as I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist, our lips never breaking apart as he guides us to our room.

To be Continued...

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