and i know these scars will bleed

Start from the beginning

"My best guess?" Cisco asked before they looked at him. "A bus load."


Joe, Iris, Caitlin, Kara, and Wally all faced Barry, Mon-El, Cisco and Harry confused as they told them what they discovered. "We did it?" Joe asked from sitting in a chair. "We brought dark matter into Central City?"

"When you pulled me out of the Speed Force, yeah," Barry said.

"All the people on that bus, we turned them into metas," Caitlin said, standing besides Kara.

"Every time we try to do something right, it goes horribly wrong," Cisco said as he slowly side eyed Harry.

"We're cursed," Wally said, sitting in the corner.

"Maybe we should burn some sage," Kara said, standing in the middle of Caitlin and Iris.

"Guys, we're not cursed," Barry said.

"You're not cursed. You should be cursed at," Harry said and Cisco looked back at him.

"Okay, why should we be cursed at?" Cisco asked and Harry looked at him as well.

"You should be cursed at because you opened the Speed Force without consulting me," Harry said.

"Okay, I don't think, we need to rehash-" Barry started but both Cisco and Harry shushed him. "All right."

"Okay, I did consult you, and you're the one who gave me the calculations in the first place," Cisco argued.

"Yeah, I told you not to use them without consulting me. I said, Ramon, don't use the calculations without me-"


"Yeah, yeah. I heard you. I didn't see the need for that," Cisco said.

"And that's why, you should be cursed at," Harry said.

"What does that even mean? What does it mean?" Cisco asked.

"It means you're a-"

"Okay, you know what?" Cisco asked, pointing his finger at Harry. "This is exactly why we didn't contact you, cause the last thing we need around here is MORE OF YOUR SALTY-ASS ATTITUDE," Cisco said.

"If you don't need my salty attitude," Harry said as he shoved the scanner in Cisco's arms. "...then maybe you should carry on without me." He then started to storm out of the cortex. "I'll let myself out."

"Oh, are you going back to your Earth? I'll breach you there right now," Cisco said.

"I'll breach you there right now!" Harry mimicked in a high-pitched tone, right before he was out of the cortex. "That's...not what I sound like," Cisco said.

"That was really high," Mon muttered to himself.

"Listen, Cisco, I know Harry could stand to work on his bedside manner, but-"

"You know what? We don't need him. What we need is to focus on catching this meta. Am I right?" Cisco asked, and everyone started to nod their heads.

"Yeah, you're right," Barry said. "But Becky doesn't seem like one of our typical villains. I think if we could track her down, maybe we could get through to her."

Suddenly, Joe's phone started to buzz so he took it out and answered it. "Hey, Cecile —— What? I'm on my way," Joe said before he hung up, got up, and walked up to Barry. "I need you to run me to the house."

"You said you never wanted—"

"I need you to run me to the house," Joe sternly stated again.

"Yes, sir," Barry said before he took Joe and zoomed them out.

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Where stories live. Discover now