He was so glad to be back home. Kayla and Austin both come running at him at the same time, hugging him straight away. Just like every time, he almost cried. Will looked over to Leo, who looked pretty awkward. Kayla followed his gaze.

"Leo Valdez!" she grinned. "I'm still mad at you for breaking the head of my barbie doll."
Leo laughed. "I forgot about that! Anyway, hi Kayla, Austin. It's good to see you."
"You're telling me you two have been in school with each other for four years and didn't notice until this year?" Austin asked.
"Yup," Will said.
"You two are dumb as fuck." Kayla nodded.
"Yup," Will repeated. "Anyway, I'm loving the green."

Will had seen pictures, but Kayla had recently died the bottom of her short ginger hair with a shock of bright green.
"Thanks. It was so Austin would stop calling me Ed Sheeran. Didn't work." Kayla crossed her arms.
"Oooover the castle on the hillll." Austin whispered.

Will looked over to Lee and Michael, who were having their reunion with the younger cousins.
"I gotta say hi to the rest of the fam," Will said. "Be right back."
He walked over to Jerry, Gracie and Yan.
"It's me, your favourite cousin!" Will said. "Woah, you've got so tall, buddy." He patted Jerry's head.
"Is that one Leo?" Yan asked, pointing over to Leo.
"Oh, yeah. Come say hi."

"Hi, kids," Leo smiled. "I'm Leo."
"This is Yan, Gracie and Jerry." Will pointed to each of them. "Yan and Gracie are twelve, Jerry is eleven."
"Ohh, yeah!" Leo said. "I remember the day Jerry's dads adopted him. He's the British one, right?"
Will nodded. "From London, yeah. Yan and Gracie were both adopted the year before."
Gracie gasped dramatically. "I'm adopted?!"
"Ohh no. You were not supposed to find out this way." Will joked.

"Okay, okay. This is getting confusing," Leo said. "So who all are siblings?"
Will took a deep breath. "Me, Michael and Lee are all only children, plus we weren't adopted. Austin is Gracie's brother and both of them were adopted. They have two moms, by the way. Kayla, Yan and Jerry are siblings. They have two dads. And they're also adopted. But that's okay, we're all Solaces!"
Leo frowned. "Okay. I'm totally not lost."
"Good!" Will said.
Leo facepalmed. "That was sarcasm."


It was great to have the whole family together again. She walked with Will, telling him all the gossip from school, while Austin showed Leo around.
"So, how come you don't have any news from your school? New York is like a real weird place," Kayla said.
Will shrugged. "I mean, same thing as usual. Oh, well I surprisingly made some new friends."
"Like Leo. Who else?"
"Oh y'know. There's like 12 of us. Pretty big group. Also I delivered a baby." Will said casually.
"You told me about that five million times. But twelve?!"

"Yeah. Me, Percy, Jason, Reyna, Rachel, Frank, Annabeth, Leo, Piper, Hazel, Grover and Nico. And yeah, Piper is Tristan McLean's daughter."
Kayla hit Will's arm. "Shut up. No way. You just forgot to mention that to us?!"
"Yeah," Will shrugged.
"And who's Nico. Why'd you say his name like that?"
"Uh, one of my friends."

Leo started walking beside them. "Will, your little cousins are terrifying. Especially Yan."
Kayla laughed. "Trust me, I know. They're my sibling. How do you think I feel?"
"They're non-binary?" Leo asked.
"Oh, yeah," Kayla nodded. "I know you might think 12 is a pretty young age to know how you identify, but it's not."
"Nah, it's cool."


"So, how's college?" He asked Michael, walking into the Yew's house with him.
"Shit. So boring. So many assignments." Michael said. "So expensive."
Austin couldn't help but laugh. "That must suck."
"Don't laugh. You'll have to go through college at some point."
"Not if I become a famous musician." Austin shrugged.
"Good point. Being in New York is pretty cool though. I don't know why Will hates it."
"Neither. I guess there's a lot of reasons."

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