She didn't think this through. She had forgotten that Felix lived in one of the poshest areas in Paris. Only billionaires were able to afford a house here.

She had been here a few times, to go to Adrien's house. But this house was even bigger than the Agreste mansion. She doubted that she'd even be able to enter here.

Marinette pondered for a bit. Then she decided to just hand over the notes and go home. She didn't want to embarrass herself as she did at the Agreste's last time. That had been a wild ride, she didn't want to leave the confines of her house for almost a week after the incident but of course, she had to. Her parents would never let her stay home for such a ridiculous reason.

Taking a deep breath, Marinette put her hand on the bell, they were shaking from nervousness. Just then a blob of red swished past her shoulder, pushed her fingers and rung the bell.

"Tikki what the hell-"

But a small camera came out of the wall cutting her mid-sentence and peered at her soul almost as if judging her. Instantly Marinette wanted to leave, but with a trembling smile, she introduced herself.

"Hello, I'm uh M-marinette Dupain-Cheng. I'm uh here to give this to um Felix"

The camera zoomed in on the object. Marinette sighed, relieved that the thing wasn't peering into her soul.

It didn't say anything. Marinette had thought that they'd ask her to put it in a slot and ask her to go her way. But the thing was eerily silent. She was getting creeped out, was this thing malfunctioning. Or was she going to get jailed for trespassing?

Suddenly the gate opened, Marinette's breath hitched. Why were the gates opening, did she do something wrong or were they actually letting her in?

She slowly stepped inside the house and let out a gasp. There was a huge garden, this place was even bigger than what she had imagined it to be.

Marinette awkwardly stood there not knowing what to do. There was no one around and she didn't feel comfortable walking around in someone else's house.

The garden was filled with trees and flowers, and was that a pond? The pond was huge, Marinette gazed into the pond, looking at her reflection in the clear blue water. The pond glittered in the sunlight.

Marinette was mesmerised by the garden, there was even a flower bed not far away. Marinette wondered, just how big is this place.

Suddenly she heard a light cough. She turned around only to see a woman in her late thirties, she was dressed smartly, wearing a black suit, her straight hair was cropped to shoulder length and her ears contained diamond earrings. She wore a beautiful gold chain around her neck and a gold ring embedded with a diamond on her ring finger.

Marinette clicked her tongue, she was engaged. The woman was very beautiful and seemed professional.

"Ahem," Marinette looked at the woman getting flustered, she had been gawking at her.

"I believe you're Miss Dupain-Cheng"

"Oh, um yes that's me. I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng" Marinette said, nervously. She fumbled her fingers, looking at the ground.

"Come with me Miss Dupain-Cheng," The woman said, still maintaining her professionalism. She was intimidating, Marinette was scared for her life as the woman led her deeper onto the pathway.

"You've come to meet Felix?" The woman asked.

"Oh, yes"

"And what are those papers in your hand?"

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