Chapter 14

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Erwin arrived home and went straight to bed. His apartment was a mess, not his usual. But it was a very tough period. And seeing (y/n) depressed that much affected him. He wanted to make things right with her but he couldn't talk to their friends till everything was repaired. Once Erwin closed his eyes he was fast asleep, not feeling anything around him.
(Y/n) texted him several times if they can talk tomorrow about her resignation to start the process as early as possible, but he didn't reply.
The next morning she woke up, not wanting to get out of bed. She thanked god it was the weekend. She checked her phone to see if Erwin replied to her but he didn't. 'This doesn't feel right, why would he ignore me like that?'
She tried to call him but he didn't answer either.
After about an hour in bed she got out of it to have some breakfast. After finishing eating she tried to call Erwin again. He answered this time.
"Hello, Erwin. I hope I'm not causing any inconvenience."
"Mmmm, hello??"
She hung up and called him again but he didn't answer. She was so worried about him and didn't understand what was happening. She decided she'll go to him. Yes, it's stupid. But when the situation was reversed, He didn't hesitate to check on her.
She washed quickly and brushed her hair to a ponytail. She wore the outfit that Erwin picked up for her before. Black turtleneck pullover, black leather jacket, blue skinny jeans, black half boots. In total 35 minutes she was at his door ringing the bells but he didn't open.
She was so scared, especially when she heard the cats meowing at the other side of the door.
She went to the landlord and asked him if he could open the door for her, luckily he remembered her and got worried about Erwin.
He opened the door and they both went inside. Once they entered the 2 cats went to the bedroom.

"Erwiiiin" (y/n) called.
She went to his bedroom to find him sleeping.
She tried to wake him up gently.
"Hey, Erwin. I'm sorry I was worried you weren't answering my calls."
When he didn't reply for the thousandth time she got close and touched him.
"Omg! You're burning!!"
"MR. HANNES" she called for the landlord.
He came and she told him that Erwin's isn't answering her and his temperature is high.
"Help me get him to the bathtub." he told her.
Erwin's heavy, they both struggled to do it but they managed.

Mr. Hannes opened the cold water on him which made Erwin open his eyes in shock and his breath was disturbed.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" (y/n) said, holding his hand, trying to comfort him.
"Stay with him, once his temperature starts to drop, get him out and change his clothes to something dry, I'm going to call a friend." Mr. Hannes said and didn't give her a chance to reply and went out.
She opened the mini cabinet and found a thermometer to measure Erwin's temperature. It was 40.5°C.
Levi, the cat, came into the bathroom and when he saw Erwin like that he started to attack (y/n) and tried to bite her.
"Hey! I'm trying to help him." She was talking to the cat, yes.
She went to the bedroom and got Erwin a dry hoodie, sweatpants. She chose the first pieces her hands laid on.
She went back to the bathroom and had to get Levi out and close the door. Luckily her clothes protected her from his attacks.
"That cat is very protective of you, Erwin." She said as she sat next home outside the bathtub.
She made sure to wet his head, neck, and shoulder.
After a couple of minutes, she measured his temperature again. It was 39.7°C.
"Thank god it's dropping. Hey Erwin, wake up. Come on." She said, holding his head between her hands.
He slowly opened his eyes.
"Yes, it's me. Can you stand up? I'll help you."
Slowly he stood up, leaning on (y/n).
"I have to change your clothes now, ok?"
"Mmmmm" was just his reply.
He was barely standing on his own. So she quickly took off his wet shirt and dried his body using a towel, then pulled on the dry hoodie.
Then she wrapped the towel around his waist, and pulled his pants and boxers from under the towel. Then she helped him wear the dry sweatpants and removed the towel. After that, she guided him slowly to the bed. She covered him and went to get another towel to dry his hair.
Levi was giving her deadly looks.
"How can you be this scary? I swear to god, I'm helping him!" She said, and rolled her eyes.
She heard Erwin laughing.
"Hey, are you with me?"
"You're going to be ok." she assured him.
After some minutes, Mr. Hannes came back with a doctor.
"Hey, (y/n). This is Dr. Grisha. He's my friend. He'll take a look at Erwin."
"Hello, (y/n)"
"Hello doctor"
"How is he?"
"I don't know, he didn't reply to my texts and calls from yesterday so I got worried and came here. I had to ask Mr. Hannes to open the door. Then I found him sleeping and his temperature was very high. We took him to the bathtub trying to lower his temperature a little. It's 39.7°C now. He's barely talking."
"I see. I will examine him now." Dr. Grisha said, then (y/n) and Mr. Hannes went to the living room.

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