Chapter 3

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Days went by as normal. They were working on an important project that had to be done by the end of July. Erwin decided he should focus on work and try to forget about (y/n). He wasn't that attached anyway.

"Listen everybody, We are working hard and I know that the deadline is getting close, but I believe that taking a break always boosts our efficiency." Erwin was talking to his employees one day, "so the next weekend we're going to the beach at some nice place I managed to book for us"
"Will there be food?" That was the only question he got from Sasha, of course.
They all giggled.
"Yes Sasha, actually they have a pretty nice cook I'm sure you're going to like him" Erwin replied to her chuckling.
They all were excited about this. And (y/n) really needed some off time doing something different.


It was really fun. Eren spent his half time arguing with Jean like they always do, and the other half spent it with Mikasa. (Y/n) always admired their relationship.

As for Sasha, after eating breakfast, she was crying from how good the food tasted and insisted on knowing the cook, his name is Niccolo.
"I think she's in love with him already." Hange said, chuckling while resting her head on Moblit's shoulder.
Everyone was having fun in his own way.

(Y/n) sat under an umbrella, in a white beach dress, with her sunglasses. Just enjoying the sight and relaxing to regain her energy.

As for Erwin, he was checking (y/n) out from time to time, thinking about how beautiful she is.

After sunset they all went to their rooms to get ready for dinner, they were going to spend the night and get back the next morning.

(Y/n) went to her room, Sasha supposed to be her roommate, but she was still with Niccolo, spending time with him during his breaks.
'it's the first time for me to see love at first meal' (y/n) said to herself while getting her clothes off to shower.
Suddenly the door opened while (y/n) was only in her panties. It was Erwin, of course! He thought it was his room. How did he open the door?? But that's not the problem now.
The problem is that Erwin is staring at (y/n)'s naked body as she was shocked and didn't know what to do for a couple of moments until she grabbed her dress to cover herself as quickly as possible.
"I-I'm so sorry (y/n), I didn't mean to. I thought it's my room"
(Y/n) was too embarrassed to answer, she just stood there holding her dress, with her face turning tomato red.
"I should go. Sorry again" he said as he left and closed the door.
(Y/n) went quickly and locked the door.
She took a deep breath and went to take her shower.
'We will just have to pretend that nothing happened'
She said to herself while walking to dinner.
She spent the night avoiding looking in his direction.

"Hey (y/n)" Erwin caught her attention while they all were getting to their rooms.
"Yes" she said looking at him and then looked at the floor quickly as she blushed once she met his eyes.
"I just want to apologize for what happened. I really didn't mean to"
"It's okay, don't worry"
"So we're good?"
"Yeah yeah, it's not a big deal" 'It is a big deal' (y/n) said and thought different things, but she wants to get over this.
"Ok, good night then"
"Good night"
She went to her room and she couldn't help thinking about him till she fell asleep.

On the other hand, Erwin couldn't get her image out of his mind. He found himself imagining doing things to her that he's not very proud of. In the few moments he saw her naked body, he noticed how beautiful it was.
'What the hell am I thinking! What are you Erwin? Some perverted teenager?'
He scolded himself but the thoughts kept floating in his mind till he fell asleep.


After a few days Erwin went to (y/n)'s desk and asked her if she could go with him for coffee in her break to talk about something.
"Sure" she told him, wondering what he wanted.

Clumsy (y/n)! Erwin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now