Chapter 4

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It was 30 of June, Nanaba's birthday, and they all had been working hard to finish their work on time. But her team, Jean, Marco, Sasha, Connie, and (y/n), along with Mike of course, decided to surprise her. Around noon they got her a huge cake and balloons and entered the office singing to her.
Mike carried her bridal style and started moving her like a baby.
"Let me down." She said, laughing.
"No." He said and kissed her cheek.
Of course Erwin and the rest of the staff joined them.
(Y/n) was the one cutting the cake and giving each one a piece.
"Can I take two?" Sasha asked her, standing next to her like a kid.
"You can take whatever you want after everyone takes his, Sash."
Sasha clapped and gave (y/n) a quick hug.
"You're the best!"
(Y/n) was laughing and enjoying herself. Days like this make life bearable and give her a blessed feeling.
She got Erwin a plate and hesitated for a moment. She wanted to tell Hange to give it to him but it'd be so weird. So she decided to give it to him herself 'it's not a big deal, (y/n)! Come on.' She encouraged herself.
"Eh.. Erwin" she said in a quiet voice, though she was trying to be normal.
He was giving her his back talking to Hange and Moblit, and turned around when she called him. Only to spill his drink on her face because Connie was passing by the same moment and hit his arm.
"Shit! I'm so sorry" that was Connie.
"Are you ok? I'm sorry!!" Erwin said.
"It's ok." As shy as she was, (y/n) just wanted to get out of here quickly.
"Here, I'm so sorry." Erwin took the plate from her and put it aside, then started wiping her face gently with a tissue. She held her breath once he touched her. He dried her face and she thanked him quickly and went to the bathroom to wash up. That was the first interaction between them since a while.


It was the day before the delivery meeting.
(Y/n) had to spend the night at the office, to finish her work before the next day, she can't disappoint her team and herself.
She kept working till 12 a.m. then decided that if she didn't sleep she would cause more damage than finishing her work.
So she went to a beanbag and closed her eyes after setting her alarm to 3 a.m. and fell asleep in a couple of minutes.

Erwin was also at the office, he had to make sure that everything was ready for tomorrow.
He got out of his office and saw (y/n) sleeping, he went and sat beside her, looking at her peacefully sleeping. She looked beautiful, and he felt so calm watching her breathing steadily.
He made himself forget about their date and her confession to him, but he still wished if things went better. He decided that he will treat her as a friend.
After a few minutes her alarm went on and she slowly woke up to find Erwin beside her.

"Hey" he said, a little embarrassed.
"Hey" she replied.
"Want some coffee?"
"That would be great, thanks. I still have couple of things to finish"
"Ok" he said as he got up and went to get the coffee.
(Y/n) grabbed her bag and went to the bathroom, she washed her face and brushed her teeth. Yes, she had toothpaste and toothbrush with her as she knew she would spend the night at the office. Then she combed her hair to a pony tail and went to her desk fresh as a daisy, a tired daisy though.

Erwin came with the coffee.
"Let's finish the rest together." he said.
"Ok, let's do it"
And they spent the next three hours working non stop.
"So I'll just adjust this and we'll be done in half an hour at most" she said but got no answer. She looked at him to find that he had fallen asleep.
'Oh, he didn't get enough sleep'
She thought to herself and resumed working quietly.
"Aaaand I'm done" she said, yawning, which made Erwin wake up.
"Good morning sleepy head" she said smiling
"Good morning, did I sleep much?"
"No no, only half an hour"
"It's going to be a long day. Are you hungry?"
"Starving actually"
"Ok let's get a proper breakfast then"

It was so early but they managed to find a cafe that was just opening.
It was a sunny morning and the weather was really good.
They sat and ordered their breakfast.

Clumsy (y/n)! Erwin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now