Chapter 10

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Next morning she woke up confused. 'Why didn't my alarm ring? What time is it?'
Her head hurt from all the crying and hunger.
She got her mobile and realised its battery was empty.
She got up fast to plug the charger. After a minute she turned it on and it was 10 a.m. she was late for work. And she only has two days to finish her work before Christmas break.
She started to panic because she really needed to take a shower and eat. And taking a shower with her leg takes forever. So she started to cry.
'come on (y/n) get your shit together' but she was really tired and feeling down that she couldn't think straight.
After a couple of moments her mobile rang. It was Erwin!

"Hey (y/n), where are you"
"I'mSoSorry, I'mLateIKnow. MyMobileWasDeadAndTheAlarm. IOverSlept. IAmSorry." She was talking fast and her sobs were obvious.
"Hey hey slow down, it's ok"
"I'm s-sorry"
"It's okay. Uummm, can you open the door?"
"I am standing outside right now"
"Oh, just a minute"
"Take your time"

It took her some moments to get the door open and to find Erwin standing there looking worried.

"Are you ok?" He said.
"I don't know. What are you doing here?"
"You didn't show up and your mobile was closed. And after what happened yesterday, I got worried that Zeke has done something to you."
"Oh, sorry about worrying you and thank you for your concern"
They were still standing at the door, Erwin outside.
"Can I accept your coffee invitation now?"
"Oh, yeah, yeah, come in"

It was Erwin's first time to see (y/n)'s apartment. It was small like his. With little furniture. The kitchen was opened to the living room.
"It's nice here." Erwin commented.
"I think you should get ready, I'll wait for you"
"I don't want to waste your time. It will take me time to get ready with my leg"
"Let me help you"
"What? No"
"Why? You did it for me before, remember?"
"Yes, but that's different"
"No it's not, come on"
He said and walked straight to her bedroom.
"Wait, where are you going??"
"You need to take a shower, go while I prepare your clothes"
They were in her bedroom now and she looked at the mirror and realised how much of a mess she was.
"Fine" she said, surrendering.
She sat on the bed and opened a drawer to get a plastic bag and wrap it around the plaster cast so it doesn't get wet.
"You slept in yesterday's clothes?"
"I was so tired to change"
"Let me help you"
'What now?'
She was wearing a white shirt with buttons, and a red pullover over it. And a jeans skirt to be comfortable with the plaster cast.
Erwin went to her and helped her to stand up. The moment he touched her hand she felt it all. It was like there was a dam holding her feelings for him and was knocked down by one touch from him.
They were standing in front of each other now.
"I can change by myself"
"Ok then, to the bathroom"
He made sure she didn't need anything and left her and went back to the bedroom.

It took (y/n) time to finish showering because she still didn't get used to showering while sitting on a chair, but she managed.
She was so embarrassed when she got out of the shower wearing only her bathrobe.
He was just getting out of her bedroom.
"Oh hi, you were late so I was coming to check if everything is alright"
'Is really Erwin here in my apartment, talking to me while I'm in a bathrobe?'
"Sorry, I told you it takes me time"
"No problem as long as you're alright" he assured her.
"I'm going to get dressed, give me 15 minutes"
"Take your time"

She closed the door and sighed.
'why is it always embarrassing with Erwin? Why can't I have a normal relationship with him as an employer and an employee?'
She started to get dressed. Erwin really chose her clothes. A turtle neck black pullover with a black leather jacket and blue jeans.
"I can't wear pants, Erwin." she said to herself loudly.
She sat on the bed and started by wearing her underwear and bra.
'Thank god he didn't pick up those' she got them herself.
Then she wore the pullover. She wanted to get up and get a skirt from the wardrobe, but as she was standing up, her crutch fell.
"Great!" She said, palm face.
She went to get it but she lost her balance and fell.
"Auch! What's with me this morning?!"
She was lying on the ground on her face and trying to get up when the door opened and Erwin came in.
"What happe.. oh!"
He went quickly to help her up.
She was looking at him with a poker face.
"What? I knocked but you didn't answer"
"I didn't hear. Agh. Whatever, it's not the first embarrassing situation with you, and I think it won't be the last one"
Once she said that, her stomach made a sound to show how hungry she was.
"See?" She said annoyed but he laughed, and as contagious his laughter is, she couldn't help but laugh with him.
"Come on, let me help you this time"
"Fine, I can't wear pants. Get me a skirt."
"Yes, Ma'am" he said and she smiled. She noticed that he was avoiding looking at her bare legs, Which she was thankful for.
He picked a light pink plisse skirt.
"This one is beautiful"
"Ok" she said, still smiling.
"Put your hands up"
"Do ittt"
She put her hands up and he pulled the skirt on her, then after adjusting it he closed its zip.
"Want help with anything else?"
"No, thank you"
He stood there watching her combing her hair and putting an ice cap on, wearing her sock and shoe on one leg and wearing a special shoe for the injured one. She put the jacket on and said she was ready. It was about 11 a.m. now.
"Sorry and thank you for the millionth time"
"It's okay for the millionth time, let's get you something to eat."
They got into the car and went to a nearby bakery and cafe to get breakfast.

"You eat like a dinosaur." he said, watching her eat.
"I haven't eaten since yesterday." she replied, annoyed.
"I should've accepted your invitation yesterday and made sure you went to bed properly then"
She laughed quietly "it's not your fault. Yesterday was a black day that I want to forget everything about it"
"Yes it was"


Back to Tuesday.

Erwin was in the office because he always hated to leave and there is an employee who's still working.
He stood at the door of his office watching (y/n) working until Zeke came. He was so frustrated with her because Zeke -or any other non-authorized person- should not be here, but he didn't want to cause a scene so entered his office and decided he would talk to (y/n) later about it.
But then he heard (y/n)'s voice yelling, the first time he ignored it, but the second time he couldn't.
When he saw Zeke pinning (y/n) to the chair, his blood was boiling. He already hated Zeke so much, being in his office with another reason, but to harass (y/n)? That was another level!
He didn't feel himself until after throwing Zeke away from (y/n) to the floor. He wished he could throw him out of the window.

After driving her home, he went to his place but he couldn't sleep. His cats stayed with him all night purring, which helped him a little.
(Y/n) was always a problem to him. As Hange told him "The only thing worse than a woman who hates you, is a woman who loves you"
After all this time he couldn't get (y/n) out of his thoughts. He does have feelings for her, and he kept thinking what if their relationship went right? None of this would have happened.

The next day he arrived at the office at 8 a.m. as usual.
(Y/n) usually arrives at 8:30 a.m., but it was 8:45 a.m. and she didn't show up.
He started to worry but told himself maybe she's tired from yesterday or there is a traffic jam.
At 9:30 a.m. he couldn't do anything to concentrate on his work.
He went to Nanaba and asked her if (y/n) had called to take the day off or something, but she didn't.
So he called her just to find that her mobile was out of service. He didn't think twice and went to his car to go to her.
He was terrified that Zeke did something to her after Erwin had dropped her.
He kept blaming himself that he should've stayed with her even if it's not reasonable.

When she finally answered him, her voice didn't comfort him. And when he saw her, her puffy eyes and pink nose, with the same clothes as yesterday, all he wanted to do was to hug her, but he couldn't.

He helped her get ready. When she was taking a shower, he took his time looking at her stuff, this wasn't him, but he felt taken by her details, he wanted to connect to her more.
He opened her wardrobe to find it neatly arranged. He picked a black leather jacket and looked for something to go with it. He was thinking about (y/n) when she picked his suit that day.
He opened a drawer to find her bras and underwear, he couldn't help but smile a little, then closed it quickly. He opened another to find her pullovers folded, he picked a black turtleneck one. He likes that look.
He opened another to find her pants and picked a pair of blue jeans, but when he took it he found a blue cravat underneath it.
He picked it up and found a card attached to it, written on it:

Happy Birthday Erwin ;)
Wish you all the success and happiness!

He was confused, his birthday was more than 2 months ago, before she met Zeke and everything. Why didn't she give it to him?
He placed it back and decided to go and check on (y/n).
She finished her shower and he waited for her in the living room. It felt cozy. Then he heard some noise so he went to check on her again. He didn't know what was happening to him but he felt so protective over her.
He knocked on the door but she didn't respond so he entered, a bit embarrassed, to find her on the floor. He decided he will stay with her until the plaster cast is removed, enough with all the accidents that are happening to her.
He helped her get up and realised she wasn't wearing her pants yet, it took him some effort not to stare at her beautiful bare legs.
After helping her get dressed, they went to get breakfast. He made sure she ate well before arriving at the office.


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