Chapter 8

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Days went by. (Y/n) and Zeke were seeing each other more often.
From time to time she thought of Erwin but brushed the thought away quickly.
She started to like Zeke, or she convinced herself that she liked him.
She hated that he smokes, but he promised her to always eat mint before meeting her.
She got annoyed when he was late, almost every time, but he would always apologize and flirt with her until she forgives him.
She also wasn't very comfortable about him asking continuously about her work, despite that she told him not to talk about it.
Lastly, he was so touchy and gave hints about wanting to sleep with her. More than once he would invite her to his place or ask why they can't hang out at hers. She was clear about that point, but that made him want her more.

One day they were having breakfast together before work and he dropped her at the office and left.
Erwin was arriving at the same time and saw them kissing goodbye.
He felt something that he couldn't understand, his heart ached, and he was a bit angry, he didn't know why.
Since (y/n) started dating Zeke, he became uncomfortable about it. He told himself that he felt that because he hated Zeke, but it's her business anyway.
They met at the entrance and greeted each other. It's been more formal between them since the party. He enjoyed her company very much that day, but a lot happened then and he didn't put much thought about (y/n).

"Can you come to my office?" Erwin said to (y/n) as they were entering.
"Yeah, sure."
She went to her desk to put her stuff and went to Erwin.

"Hey." She said, closing the door behind her.
"How are you?"
"Good." He said and looked at her.
She was standing, holding her left arm with her right hand, waiting for him to talk. She didn't have any idea about why he wanted her.
"So.. ehm.. are you having a good time with Zeke?"
She didn't say anything but looked very embarrassed, but he kept looking at her waiting for her answer.
After a couple of seconds she said, looking at the ground:
"I.. I thought our personal life didn't have anything to do with out job"
"I'm not asking you as your manager."
His voice was so steady.
'Why is he so daring?'
She took a deep breath and said:
"What is that all about?"
"You didn't find anyone other than him to date? Zeke? Really?!"
"Look, I know you two don't get along, but trust me, we don't talk about our work or anything."
She thought he was afraid she may leak information to Zeke.
"It's not that." He replied, not looking at her this time.
"Then what is it, Smith?"
When he heard her calling him Smith, he snapped out.
She took a step back, afraid of him. It was the first time for her to see him that angry.
He realised what he did, he took a deep breath and said:
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell like that, it's just.. maybe I'm confused that you're dating to begin with."
She gulped and said: "w..why?"
He sighed and looked her directly in the eyes.
"Maybe I thought you're waiting."
"Waiting for what? For you???" She said, her voice started getting louder.
He didn't reply but his expression confirmed her words.
"Oh my god, *Erwin*! I can't believe you. So you leave me without saying a word, and go flirt with girls, but I should wait for you?"
"First of all, anyone in my place would do the same, what do you expect after saying those words on a first date? Secondly, I don't *flirt* with girls!"
"You know, never mine, it's none of my business."
"No! Tell me what you mean."
She sighed and said:
"That girl at the party. You didn't even consider that I was there."
"What par.. ohhhh. You mean Marina?" He massaged above his eyebrows.
She looked at him, waiting for an explanation.
"Look, years ago I loved a girl.. her name is Mary, but I was giving all my time for work and she got married.. that was her sister, I didn't know.. I knew at the end of the party and I ended everything that may begin."
She was silent for a couple of seconds, thinking what the hell was going on.
"So if she wasn't her sister, you would've dated her, which, by the way, I don't have a problem with."
"No, she just reminded me of her. So if she wasn't her sister I wouldn't have thought of it." He sighed and then continued: "none of that matters anyway, I wish that you're happy, (y/n)."
She didn't reply and left.

She went to the bathroom and closed the door, then cried a little. She didn't understand what was that and why would Erwin talk about that now. 'Is he jealous? That doesn't make any sense! Does he think that I'm his property or something?!'
On the other hand, Erwin was regretting his recklessness, he shouldn't have let his feelings take control of him.


After that day, things between Erwin and (y/n) were more and more cold than before.
She didn't tell Zeke, or anyone, about what happened. She decided to forget about it and hoped that it would pass somehow.

Nothing unusual happened for a couple of weeks.
She went to spend Thanksgiving with her family in Stohess, it was a nice little break for her from everything.

It happened on a working day. Zeke was texting her, asking her to send him pictures of her, naked. She told him she was not comfortable about it and that she was on her way to work anyway. She was walking the street, holding her mobile, not paying enough attention to the cars, when a car -which wasn't moving slowly at all- hit her.
She didn't feel anything until she woke up in the hospital.
She found Sasha and Erwin with her.
She started to wake up slowly, her vision was a bit blurry and she had a headache.
"She's waking up, thank god." Sasha said.
"I'm going to get the doctor." That was from Erwin. And he left the room.
"What happened?" (Y/n) asked slowly.
"You got hit by a car. But you're ok, just some bruises and your leg is broken." Sasha told you while holding your hand.
"My leg is what!!" She said and looked at her leg to find it in plaster cast.
"It's going to be okay, don't worry. Erwin was the one who saw you first, he stayed with you until the ambulance arrived" Sasha tried to comfort her. (Y/n) was silent thinking about Sasha's words.

The doctor came to see (y/n), he made sure that she didn't have a concussion, and said it's better if she spent the night in the hospital, since she was living alone, in case anything happens.
"I have to go now." Sasha said goodbye to (y/n) and left.
All that time Erwin was silent.
"How do you feel?" He asked when they were alone.
"My body aches. And I don't know what I'm going to do with my leg." (Y/n) was about to cry.
"You'll manage, (y/n)"
She sighed.
"Does my family know?" She asked.
"No, I told Hange to wait until you're awake and tell them yourself."
"Thank you, Erwin. I don't want them to get worried."
"Also thank you for taking care of me, Sasha told me."
"Anybody would've done what I did." He shrugged.

The door was opened and:
"Baby girl! What happened? Eren just told me." It was Zeke.
Erwin rolled his eyes.
"I'm fine, don't worry, Zeke."
"Do you want anything? When are you getting out?"
"I'll spend the night here in case something happens, the doctor said that because I'm living alone."
"I can spend the night with you." Zeke said and winked at her, making her angry because Erwin was just right there.
She ignored what he said.
"Can you get my bag?" She asked him.
"Yeah sure."
He went to get her bag from a small cupboard, it was slightly away from her bed.
"I have to go now, take care of yourself." Erwin said.
(Y/n) was kind of disappointed, she wanted him to stay at least until Zeke would go.
"Mmmmm.. can I take tomorrow off?" She asked him, just to make him stay a bit.
"Of course, take the whole week, don't come unless you feel ready."
"Thanks Erwin, you're the best." She smiled at him.
That's when Zeke came back with the bag, it took him time for some reason.
"Is he?" He commented about her words.
Erwin got up from his chair and left without saying anything.
(Y/n) took her bag and said:
"I was just thanking him."
She took her mobile and called her mother to tell what happened, her family insisted on coming the next day. They were so worried as (y/n) had expected.
Zeke stayed with her a little then left.


Her mother stayed with her for the rest of the week to make sure that (y/n) could handle everything. She wanted (y/n) to come and spend her healing time in Stohess with her family, but (y/n) assured her that she was fine and could go to work.

On her first day, she was wearing a brown dress and off white coat. She looked chic, except for a special shoe for her broken leg.
The important thing was that she couldn't find her work ID. She kept looking around the apartment but in vain.
She arrived at the office and called Nanaba to let her in.

"Maybe you lost it in the accident, we'll make another one." Sasha told her.
They didn't put much thought into it.


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