Chapter 11

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It was 6:30 p.m. then.
Erwin came and sat by (y/n)'s side.
"Hey" she replied tiredly.
"How long are you planning to stay?"
"Until 8 or so, why?"
"It's getting late"
"I know but I started today at 12, so I have to work at least 8 hours. Don't you know the rules?" She asked him sarcastically and he laughed.
"Well, I know them. But I'm the boss so I can change them" he said, confidently. "Let's leave now"
"I can't, I really have to finish and I have only tomorrow. You can go if you want."
"Mmmmmmm." They looked at each other for a few moments and then (y/n) resumed her work while Erwin sat beside her quietly.

After half an hour he asked her: "how do you think Zeke got in yesterday?"
"omg, how did I forget to tell you! I've been thinking about it. I think he used my ID. The one that I lost in the accident"
"Well, then it's my fault I didn't deactivate it. Wait here"
He went to his office for a few minutes and got back.
"I've deactivated it"
"Oh, great. I think we should fix the cameras."
"I know, this is also my fault. I just didn't think something like that would happen. I'm sorry (y/n)."
"It's not your fault, Erwin. You couldn't have known. Don't beat yourself up."
"I would rather beat him." he said, shrugging.
"You know, I had that bad vibe about him from the beginning but I ignored it. I guess I should believe my feelings more than that."
"Then why did you date him?"
"Why not? It was just dating. Like my sister was telling me. Go get a life (y/n)"

They were silent for some time when Erwin said: "come on, let's go"
"But I haven't finished yet"
"(Y/n), we both know that the remaining work won't take more than 1 hour. You can finish it tomorrow."
She sighed and said: "fine, but I'm hungry"
"Haha, well then, we'll get something to eat, you eat a lot despite that you're tiny."
"I don't eat a lot!" She said and pouted making him laugh which made (y/n) laugh like everytime.

They got a takeaway burger on their way to (y/n)'s place.
This time Erwin didn't wait for her invitation to go up with her and make sure everything was alright.
'What is with all his worries about me now?'
She liked his attention but she didn't understand it.
Before they entered the apartment, they found a piece of paper at the door.
"What's that?" Erwin was the one to notice and picked it up.
"I don't know. What does it say?"
"What? Come on!" (Y/n) said when Erwin didn't reply.
"It's from Zeke."
"Let me see."

Hey baby!
We're done when I say we're done.
You think blocking me is enough?
I told you, I always get what I want ;)

(Y/n) and Erwin looked at each other, not knowing what to do.
"I think we should call the police." (Y/n) suggested.
"It's printed, you can't prove anything."
"Why is he doing that? We've been together for less than 2 months for god's sake! Why is he obsessed like that?"
Erwin just looked at her and said nothing.
"Come on, lets get inside"
They walked inside and to (y/n)'s surprise, he went directly to her bedroom.
"Where are you doing?"
"We're going to pack your things and you're going to stay with me tonight. And tomorrow you'll go to your family."
"Don't over react, Erwin. What possibly could he do?"
"I don't know, and I don't want to."
He was so firm and would not take a no for an answer.
"Fine. Just wait for me outside, ok?"
'What now?'
She didn't say anything. 'so be it'
She got a backpack and put in it a sleeping dress -she can't wear a pyjama with pants-, a towel, toothbrush, hair brush, a white pullover to wear tomorrow. Then she stopped and looked at Erwin. He was standing there, leaning on the door frame and staring at her.
"Can you wait outside?"
"Why? Aren't you finished?"
"Aha" he said as he understood what she wanted. So he got to the drawer he had opened this morning and picked a pair of matching bra and underwear and put it in the backpack, while (y/n) was looking at him shocked.
"Pervert!" She said under her teeth.
"No, I'm not. You're making a big deal out of it. We're grown ups (y/n) not in middle school. Come on, let's go. I don't want to stay here more than that."
She didn't comment and walked behind him while he was carrying her bag.

The ride to his apartment was quiet.
When they arrived, (y/n) was so happy when she met Levi and Hange, Erwin's cats.
"Hiiiiiiii cuties" she said, forgetting everything about Zeke and all what happened.
"You are really someone else around cats"
"I just loooove them" she said as she sat down on the couch and Hange jumped to her while Levi stayed away staring at her.
"I wish he loves me" (y/n) said, pouting.
"He only loves the ones I tell him to love"
"Then tell him to love meeee"
"No, it's not that easy." he said, teasing her. They both laughed and (y/n) continued to pet Hange while Erwin went to his bedroom.

After a while he came back, wearing gray sweatpants and a green hoodie, and carrying a pillow and blanket.
"Life is unfair" (y/n) said when she saw him.
"Why?" Erwin said, raising an eyebrow.
"You have always looked nice every time I saw you, whatever you wear. While you saw me in humiliating appearances more than once, agh"
"Haha, are you flirting with me (y/n)?" He looked at her, daring.
"No, I'm not. I'm stating facts. We're grown ups here, you're making a big deal out of it" she said, quoting his words.
He smiled at her and said: "come on, go change and sleep inside"
"No, I'm going to sleep right here"
"You know that's not going to happen"
"I made you sleep here before, I'm not going to do it again."
"Just go and prepare for sleep, please? Your bag is in the bathroom"

She went to the bathroom and changed into her night dress. It was purple, long sleeves, and knee length. She brushed her teeth and washed her face.
She was acting perfectly normal, she was just spending the night at her friend's place. But from the inside she was a mess.
'and the Oscars of the most awkward situation with Erwin Smith gooooes tooo! (Y/n) (l/n). Yaaay!'
She got out of the bathroom and went to the living room to find Erwin sleeping on the couch, and Levi is on his chest.
"I said I will sleep here"
"Sorry, can't move as long as the cat is comfortable." He said, sheepishly.
She went and sat on an opposite chair.
"I won't be comfortable sleeping inside knowing that you're sleeping here for the second time, and it's all because of me anyway. Really, it's enough that you've let me stay with you tonight."
"And I can't let you sleep on the couch, it's not comfortable for you, especially with your injured leg."
"When are you going to remove the plaster cast anyway?"
"Next week"
"Mmmm, good thing"
"Good night, Erwin" she said and closed her eyes, still sitting on the chair.
"What are you doing??"
"Sleeping" she said and yawned, still eyes closed.
"On the chair?"

After a couple of moments she felt his hands around her.
She opened her eyes in surprise.
"What are you doing? Let me go"
He picked her up, bridal style and went to his bedroom.
"You're going to sleep here, and I won't bring you your crutch. So, you're going to stay here and be a good girl."
He said putting her on the bed gently. But she didn't let go of his hoodie.
"What? Let me go" he said, laughing a little.
"Sleep next to me then."
"What? No!"
"Why? It's a big bed"
"And I'm tiny, remember?"
"I-I don't think it's a good idea, (y/n)"
"It's not a good idea to sleep on the couch either. Your back will hurt."
When he didn't reply, she let go of him. He went out and she sighed, she was so embarrassed now. It's the second time for him to turn her offer down.
She started to adjust herself to a comfortable sleeping position, when Erwin came back with his pillow and blanket.
Her eyes lit up!
He just put the pillow on the bed without looking at her and slept on his side, his back to her, covering himself with his blanket.
It hurted her a little, but at least he wasn't sleeping on the couch.
She sighed and closed her eyes. 'let this night pass'


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