twenty-two: heaven and earth

Start from the beginning

"Half of us will fail then." Sakura breathed out, "Nobody said it would be easy. Oh and one more thing, the test has a time limit, you must be finished in within five days."

"Five days out there?!" Ino shouted, Choji started to freak out, "What are we supposed to do for food?!" He asked.

"Just look around, the first is full of things to eat, there's plenty to feed all do you!"

Hoshi pretended to faint into Hayase's arms, "I think I'm gonna be sick, how are we gonna thrive on berries and tree bark for half a week?" He asked as he dramatically put his hand over his head, "She said there's rivers in there, they must have fish in them, you like fish right?" Inari reassured him.

She sent them off but before they left she shouted,

"Don't die!"

Time passed and Squad Six turned in their paperwork, Inari was handed the Heaven scroll. Anko ordered everyone to head to their gates, as soon as the gates open, the test starts. They stood in front of Gate Fourteen. Hoshi smirked, "We're gonna pass through this like a breeze! Team Six will destroy everyone!" He yelled, the other two stood there blankly and looked at each other.

A man unlocked the gate and moved aside, as sook as the clock hit Anko gave the signal, "Heads up you maggots, the second part of the test has begun!" Inari walked in first and immediately they heard screams from somewhere deep in the forest. She looked up, birds flew from the trees, they looked back.

"Was that someone...screaming?" Inari asked, squinting her eyes, Hoshi tapped Inari's back, "You scared?" She rolled her eyes, "Of course not." She replied, before they started to run. "We should search for somewhere to stay at least, it should be close to a steam as well." Inari told them, "Look at how big the trees are, maybe we could camp up there?" Hoshi added, looking up, "Should we find another group who has the Earth scroll? And take it from them? Or should our main focus today be surviving?" He asked.

"Surviving, duh." Both Inari and Hayase answered in unison, "Our main adjective is finding a place to sleep for tonight and finding a safe source of food." Inari explained, "That one mission we had, when we were collecting berries in the forest for a chef. He told safe berries to eat. Yellow, white or green berries are often poisonous. Our safest bet is purple and black berries." Inari cleared her throat to get Hoshi's attention, who was about to lick a yellow berry.

"And we all know how to start a fire and fish...I think. Hoshi, can you do either of those things?"

He looked at her, offended, "What made you automatically think I can't?" He crossed his arms. She turned to him, "Theres nothing wrong with not being bright, Hoshi." Inari finished, looking around.

"I wish I had more to eat before we left." Hayase grumbled while scratching his stomach.
Inari pulled out her katana and stabbed it into the tree, the boys stared at Inari in confusion, "Why would you do that?" Hoshi asked, clearly dumbfounded,

She removed the katana and examined the point of her blade, Inari spun around and pointed it a few inches away from Hayase's face. His eyes widened and they both looked at the green thing on the top of it.

Inari glanced at him, "These bugs are pretty nutritious, here."

Hayase cleared his throat and backed up, " thanks." Hoshi gagged, "I knew you were gross, Inari. But not that gross, why would you offer to give Hayase a bug out of all things you—"

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