Laying my head down on Cesare's lap, he leaned down and kissed me. "Luciano would be so proud of you, C."

It's been almost seven years and Cesare has not picked up an alcoholic beverage once. He's doing so much better now. After he finally told me what happened to him all those years ago, the throwing up finally stopped. And he's truly happy now.

He smiled, a single tear rolling down his cheek. I kissed it away, proud of him for all that's he accomplished. "I love you, baby."

"I love you too, bambino(baby)."


I kissed Cesare's back, enjoying the peace and quiet. After Mama Fierri dropped the kids off at school this morning, and my parents took the twins last night, Cesare and I were able to get some extra sleep.

Cesare rolled onto his back and pulled me on top of him. I laid there sighing contently as I inhaled his manly scent.

"You want to know something, amore(love)?"

"Hm?" I hummed, meeting his gaze.

"It was on this day, six years ago, that I told you I loved you."

I stared at him in confusion. "What? No, you didn't. You told me on New years in Times Square during the fireworks."

He smiled, kissed my nose and said, "Nope. The first time I said it was when you left me to workout with Amara even after I begged you to stay."

"We've been married for four years and you're just now telling me this?"

"I guess I forgot," he said with a shrug and a laugh. I rolled my eyes and kissed him passionately. We were seconds away from tearing each other's clothes off when my phone went off.

I knew who it was. He always did have perfect timing. "Don't you dare answer it," Cesare growled as he sucked and kissed my neck. "Or that phone is going out the window."

"I wasn't planning on it," I said through a series of gasps and moans.

Jackson never has anything important to say. He's still hung up on me. Which is just plain depressing considering he's currently working on his third wife.

I knew marrying Brooke was a stupid idea. She's not made to be a faithful wife. And she hates kids. I mentally laughed in my head, because Jackson had to find that out the hard way when he caught Brooke cheating on him in their bed. And it was with a woman!

Oh what irony!

Karma is so sweet.

I'm a successful lingerie model with not one, but four modeling companies all across the globe in my name. I'm richer, happier, and more successful than my ex-husband.

I'm not cold hearted. I do wish the best for him. I'm just not going to pity him. He's a big boy.

And speaking of big...

I bit down on Cesare's arm the moment he thrusted himself inside me and stretched my pussy with his cock.

He began pounding into me, his hands on my hips and his mouth around my nipple. My voice cracked as I cried out breathlessly. "Yes baby! Fuck my pussy just like that." Cesare didn't stop until I was screaming his name and writhing around him.

Laying my head on his chest, I listened to the sound his heart beating. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me close.

"We have to get up soon. Marcel had something he wanted to tell us remember?"

He groaned. "Damn it, I forgot."

Pulling apart, he slipped out from under me and disappeared into the bathroom. I heard the water being turned on and off, before he came back out minutes later in his normal attire.

He tucked his dress shirt in and smoothed a hand over his hair. After kissing my head and leaving, I too got dressed.

Walking out into the foyer, I noticed that everyone was gathered around Marcellius. I stood beside Valeria, wondering what was going on.

"What's this news he has to tell us?"

Valeria shrugged. "I don't know. Mia's the only one who knows. I just hope it's nothing bad."

"Will you spit it out already!" Niccolo snapped, losing his patience.

All Marcellius had to do was glare at his brother, and just like that, his attitude was gone.

His intense gaze floated to Autumn, and she nodded like she knew a bomb was about go off once he revealed whatever news he had.

Marcellius glanced at his mother, who for some reason also looked like she knew. After clearing his throat, he said the words that changed everything for the Fierri brothers.

"Our sister is alive."

Cesare Fierri [Book #4]Where stories live. Discover now