Chapter 33

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Six years later (Epilogue pt. 2)
Evelyn's POV
"Merda(shit)!" I heard Cesare shout from down the hall in our bedroom. "He pissed all over me!"

He came out of the room and into the lounge area with a wet spot on his black dress shirt and a frown on his face. He held up our one year old son, Romero, who giggled and wiggled in his father's arms as if he knew what he had done.

I rocked Romero's sleepy twin brother, Alessio in one hand and snuggled my six year old baby boy Luca, in the other. "Babe," I whispered. "You put his diaper on wrong." He looked down, realizing that the little pamper was on backwards.

He sighed and turned back around. "I'll be back."

When he returned, he was no longer wearing the dress shirt Romero peed on. Instead, he was shirtless and had changed into a pair of sweats that made it difficult to focus on anything other than the bulge in his pants.

He plopped down on the couch, Romero still in his arms. Alessio awoke as if sensing that his brother were near. They both looked at one another and began smiling and babbling in their own little language.

The twins were practically a mirror image of one another. The only difference between them was that Romero had bright blue eyes like his father, and Alessio had the brown and blue heterochromia eyes like me.

And even with that major difference it still took some time for us to figure out who's who.

But its not that hard now that we figured out Romero's a pretty active baby, and Alessio likes to sleep a lot. He's way more relaxed, and doesn't cry as much as his brother.

Luca pulled away from me to snuggle next to his father. Cesare kissed his head, and looked up at me. "We should have another."

"I love you, but hell no."

He was just complaining about all the hundreds of diapers we have to go through everyday. Romero peed on him, and yet, that didn't hinder his want to have more little Cesare Fierri's running around the already Fierri-filled house.

"Oh come on amore(love). I miss seeing you barefoot and pregnant."

"Did you forget about the eight stitches the twins so graciously gifted me?" He had such a difficult time the first few months because we couldn't have sex until I was fully healed. I shook my head. "Yeah, no. I will not be pushing out anymore babies."

Cesare's breeding kink started as soon as we brought home Luca from the hospital. It took us two years before we got pregnant with our first child.

Unforutnely, I ended up miscarrying. But depsite that unfortunate heart-breaking tragedy, we never gave up hope. So we tried and tried again until we were eventually blessed with the twins.

The door bell ringing saved me from continuing this conversation. Mama Fierri popped out of the kitchen and opened the door. "Hi! You're just in time for dinner."

She greeted my parents and motioned them inside. Cesare nudged Luca, whispering softly, "Guarda chi c'è qui, Luc( Look who's here, Luc)."

Luca had been expecting his grandparents, so when he jumped to his feet, he excitedly squealed and ran into their arms. "Grandpa! Nana!"

Footsteps came barreling through the hall, Rylee also squealing with excitement at seeing her grandparents.

"Nana has a gift for the two of you in the car." My mom said, Rylee and Luca running past her to go and see what their grandmother had gotten them.

She gasped with joy when she saw Romero and Alessio. She reached out and grabbed Alessio, while my dad grabbed Romero from Cesare.

She cooed at the twins, paying us no attention whatsoever. But we're used to it. They're like this everytime they see their grandchildren. It's like we no longer exist, which truthfully, is fine by me. It gives Cesare and I some alone time.

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