Chapter 22

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Eight years ago
Evelyn's POV
"Will you marry me?" Jackson asked, kneeling down in front of me with his grandmother's ring in hand.

I nodded, speechless and overjoyed. Holding out my hand, I watched as Jackson slid the beautiful diamond ring onto my finger.

Standing back onto his feet, I grabbed his face and kissed his lips. And then we went back to his house and made love.


Six years ago
"I'm not ready to be a father, Evelyn!" He snapped at me, shoving the pregnancy stick out of his face.

"Well, you should have thought about that before you came inside me! And besides, it's not like we have a choice." I was excited to be a mother, to carry and bring a child into this world.

Jackson was not.

"You do have a choice." He looked down at me, then at my stomach, then back up at me. "Abort it."

When he walked out of the bathroom, roughly flinging open the door, I slumped down onto the toilet seat and sobbed into my hands.

I made an appointment the following day, but couldn't go through with it. Jackson was pissed, but I didn't care because it was my body, my choice. And I am going to love him or her with or without Jackson.


Five months later
"Push!" The nurse yelled.

I screamed, doing my best to push my baby out of my body for the last two hours. I squeezed Jackson's hand as I gathered all the strength I could muster and gave it one last push.

"That's it, mama. You did it. Your baby girl is here."

When I heard the beautiful sound of my baby crying, I began to sob uncontrollably. There was nothing in the world that could top an overwhelming love like this.

Jackson kissed my lips, mumbling, "she's beautiful" into my skin, before pulling away to cut the umbilical cord.

I could see it in his eyes that he, too, loved her. And it was a beautiful sight to see.

After cleaning her up, weighing her, and swaddling her into a white blanket, the nurse walked up to me and smiled as she placed my baby in my arms. She stopped crying once her brown eyes locked onto me.

"Hi, baby. Mommy's so glad to finally meet you."

"Do you have a name for her, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas?"

We looked at one another and nodded, saying the name together. "Rylee Quinn Thomas."


One month later
I gasped, panting as I rode Jackson hungrily. He laid still with his hands at his sides and his eyes closed.

I could feel that we were both seconds away from climaxing and needed this very much. Rylee has made it quite difficult for us to have any alone time, which I knew would happen.

Speaking of Rylee, she bursted into a screeching fit, the sound of her crying booming through the baby monitor on the nightstand.

"No," Jackson begged. "Don't stop."

"But she's crying, Jackson."

"Just let her cry, babe."

He rocked me forward, wanting to continue. But it was already too late. I was no longer in the mood, and couldn't get back in the mood with our daughter screaming in my ear.

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