Chapter 8

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That same day, after I picked my daughter up from school, I drove her over to her father's house. It was his turn to have Rylee. Thankfully, the judge ruled in my favor and it's only on the weekends.


Rylee ran over to her father with an excited squeal. He scooped her up and she threw her arms over his shoulders.

Jackson's smile faded when he saw me, which had no affect on me, because I've grown numb to the looks of disgust and disappointment he'd throw at me.

He set Rylee down and I checked her backpack. I unzipped the front pocket, checking to make sure she had her inhaler. We haven't had an incident in awhile, but I still like to make sure she has it at all times.

Closing her backpack up, I pulled her into my arms and kissed her head. "You be good okay?" She nodded. "And no desserts after eight."

That was really directed towards Jackson. The last few times I've left her here, Jackson would give her whatever she wanted, which resulted in Rylee having a terrible stomach ache whenever I came to pick her up.

I kissed her head once more, before finally releasing her. I took a step back and watched her take her father's hand in hers. "Bye mommy."

"Bye baby."

Returning to my car, I slipped back on my seat belt and drove to my next destination. I had plans to meet up with Amara at the park. After telling her what happened with the modeling agency, she decided to help me get into shape.

Pulling into an open space, I parked the car and walked over to the bench where Amara was waiting. She bounced up from her seat when she saw me approaching her.

"Evelyn!" She shouted happily, slinging her arms around me like we didn't just speak on the phone a little over an hour ago. "Ready to get started?" She asked, finally calming down.

"Not really, but let's do this."


"This was a mistake," I said through labored breaths. "I thought you said we were taking it easy today?" I leaned forward, resting my hands on my knees to try and catch my breath.

"We did take it easy," Amara said with an eye roll and a laugh. "You're so dramatic."

I jolted back up to my height, glaring daggers at my bestfriend. "We ran five miles!" I shouted at her in annoyance.

It pissed me off that she didn't have a drop of sweat on her. Not to mention the fact that she has two kids of her own and still has the same body from college. She looked amazing.

While I on the other hand, looked an absolute mess. My hair is drenched in sweat, my blonde locks sticking to the sides of my face. My double D breasts are practically spilling out of the sports bra I worked so hard to shove them into. I can't breathe in these leggings, and I'm heaving like a bear.

"Hey," Amara said, glancing over my shoulder. "Isn't that Cesare?" She jerked her chin in the direction of someone who I hoped just happened to resemble him.

I twisted around to see that it was, much to my dismay, him. There was no mistaking those deep blue eyes and the brown curls that sat atop his head.

He's standing over by the ice cream truck with a chocolate ice cream cone in hand. He turns to a little boy and hands it to him, before giving the owner what looks like a fifty dollar bill.

"Oh shit, he has money," she says from behind me, drawing out the word all dramatic like.

"So do you," I muttered under my breath. Amara's not only rich, but she married rich as well. I admit that I do love the benefits. I wouldn't have met Cesare if it wasn't for her want to vacation in Italy.

Cesare Fierri [Book #4]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora