Chapter 32

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5 months later (Epilogue pt. 1)
Cesare's POV
Sifting my fingers through Evelyn's honey colored hair, I admired her as she slept with her mouth hung open and her arms and legs pointing in every direction.

She's so beautiful.

I leaned down to kiss her temple, but she unexpectedly jolted up and struck me with her head. "Ow!" She groaned, rubbing her bruised forehead.

"Damn it, Ev." I swiped the blood from the corner of my mouth, crinkling my nose in disgust as the bitter taste of metal filled my mouth.

She sat up and grabbed my chin, so she could get a better look at the wound she left on my lip. "I'm sorry babe." She looked at her phone, checking the time.

She hopped out of bed and scrambled around the room until she found a tee shirt and leggings to shrug on. "It's 8:30! Why didn't you wake me? You know I have to take Rylee to school."

She paused, her hands on her hips and her neatly arched brow raised in question. "Why aren't you saying anything?"

"I didn't want to wake you, so I took her to school."

"What? You didn't have to do that." She sighed, brushing the fizz out of her hair and smiling. "But thank you anyway."

Patting the bed, I motioned for her to rejoin me. "Come here, so you can thank me some more."

"Cesare, I can't. I have to meet up with Amara in fifteen minutes for our morning workout."

"You don't need her. I can give you a workout right here and now."

She contemplated my offer for a moment, but then shook her head. "Well then," I said in defeat. "Can I at least get a kiss before you go?"

Her smile widened as she walked over and gave my lips a quick peck, before pulling away. "I'll see you when I get home."

"I love you," I found myself whispering as I watched her disappear on the other side of the door. Those three words felt foreign on my tongue.

I never thought I'd see the day I ever told a woman, especially one I've been sleeping with that I love her. It's going to take me some time to get used. And once I get passed the strange feeling it leaves in the pit of my stomach, I'll finally gain the courage to tell her aloud.

Watching her leave was both a blessing and a curse. It was a blessing because I got to watch her sexy ass walk away from me. But it was a curse because now I had blue balls and only my hand to keep me company.

After spending some alone time with my hand in the shower, I got dressed and met with my brothers in Marcellius' office.

"So, who's on our hit list today?" I asked, sitting down in the leather chair and folding my hands in my lap.

Marcellius shook his head. "There is no need for any of that today."

"What the hell did you drag me out of bed for then?" Niccolo complained with a grumble.

When I received Marcellius' text to meet for an important meeting, I thought it would be to handle business within the Mafia like it always is. But now I wasn't so sure what to expect.

I straightened my back, staring at my brother expectantly. He removed his reading glasses and set them down on the desk before him.

"We found Genevieve."

"What? Where?" I asked.

"She unfortunately committed suicide a few days after she had her baby. "

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