Chapter 30

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Later that day after I picked up Rylee, I brought her back over to their house, so she could hang out with Isabel. They've gotten really close these past few months. They're practically inseparable now.

After that, I drove back home and got dressed for a night out with Autumn and Niccolo. She invited Cesare and I out to eat for a double date, even though I kept telling her that Cesare and I were just friends.

The nightclub she invited us to was apparently in rival with Fallen. Niccolo wanted to check out the competition, which is why they chose this place.

"No strippers? What kind of boring ass nightclub is this?" Niccolo complained, criticizing every little thing about the club.

I didn't see anything wrong with the place. Everything was pretty much the same as Fallen besides the name and the fact they don't have strippers.

Autumn sat down on her husband's lap and popped the olive she stole out of his drink into her mouth. We were all having a decent conversation until they started groping and making out with one another.

Feeling both uncomfortable and as if I was invading their privacy, I took Cesare's hand and dragged him out to the dance floor.

It was odd partying sober being as I haven't done that in a very long time, but I was willing to sacrifice a night of drinking if it meant preventing Cesare from relapsing.

I curled my arms around his neck, the six inch heels I was currently wearing still somehow making me feel short compared to him. "How's your meetings with your therapist going?"

"Good. I've gotten better at sharing my feelings and being more open."

"I'm glad this one's actually helping you."

"Who said my last therapist wasn't helping me?" He joked.

I smacked his chest, smiling at his comment. "Just please don't sleep with this one."

"I don't know, amore(love)." He sighed all dramatic like and said, "he's kind of daddy... in a hot professor kind of way." He moaned. "And don't even get me started on the gray hair and glasses."

I smacked him in his chest harder than the last and cracked a smile, secretly hoping this was a joke and he didn't actually want to fuck his eighty year old therapist.

Feeling the music vibrate through my body, I turned around and ground my hips against him.

His hand skated down the small of my back and landed on my ass. He gave it a possessive squeeze as he snuggled his head into the crook of my neck. "You look absolutely breath-taking tonight."

"I'd hope so since this is one of the dresses you bought me."

"You'd look beautiful in anything. But of course, there would be nothing more beautiful than seeing you wearing nothing but my kids."

That is definitely not the remote I feel digging in my backside. My cheeks burned and my panties became wet and uncomfortable. I shifted, a moan spilling from my lips.

I turned back around to face Cesare. My lips grazed his and then I kissed him. The kiss felt different than any other time we've kissed. This one was way more intimate. It made my heart skip a beat and the butterflies in my stomach flutter.

I broke the kiss, needing to catch my breath. "Let's take this to your car," I murmured breathlessly into his mouth.

He nodded and I kissed him once more, before intertwining my hands with his and giving Autumn a look that she understood immediately.

"Yesss," she shouted drunkenly, one hand downing a shot and the other stuffed down Niccolo's pants. "Get that dick muchaha(girl)!"

I blushed with embarrassment, feeling the eyes of a few people look in our direction. And when I looked at Cesare, he was sporting a smirk that made my cheeks burn even more.

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