Chapter 17

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Cesare's POV
"Yes Cesare! Fuck me just like that." CoCo cried out as I thrusted into her one last time. She began to writhe around me, finding her release.

Pulling out of her, I discarded the empty condom into the trash beside my dresser and slipped back into my boxers.

CoCo rolled over, having been on all fours when I fucked her from behind. She pulled her braids up into a ponytail, sighing contently.

She frowned when she realized I was in no hurry for a round three as I usually am. "What's wrong babe? The sex wasn't good enough for you?" She must have noticed that I hadn't come the last two rounds.

"No, it's not that. I just have a lot on my mind."

Which was true. I'd received my six months sobriety chip last week, started seeing a new therapist- male, and have been having plenty of somewhat satisfying sex with CoCo, among other women, for a month now. But even that hasn't helped to rid me of my boredom. And I knew why.

I missed her.

We only spent about a week together, and yet, I still can't get her out of my head. This girl has had me in a chokehold for almost ten years now.

God, what is wrong with me?

CoCo patted the comforter, inviting me to join her side. "How about letting me ride on that pretty, monster dick of yours to clear your head?"

I shook my head, which wasn't common when it came to beautiful women. Especially when it was the goddess CoCo herself offering me sex.

"Tempting, but I'll pass."

She sat up, still very much naked in my bed. "Mm, alright." She stood up and got dressed, before walking up to me and slapping a sloppy wet kiss on my lips. "Call me when you're ready for that third round, ya heard?"

I probably won't, but I still nodded anyway. She slid her hand down my torso as she walked out of my room, her wide hips and bodacious ass swaying in an angelic-like manner.

I was just about to close the door so I could take a nap, but then Valeria waltzed in.

I love my sister in-laws, but having brothers makes me so glad I never grew up with any pesky little sisters. The three musketeers are enough.

"Ew. It smells like sex in here," Valeria commented, prompting an eye roll from me as I watched her walk across the room and take a seat on the little bench in front of my bed.

"What do you want besides bugging the hell out of me during my family free time?"

She giggled, amused. "That's not a real thing you know that right?"

"It's real to me."

"Whatever." She fiddled with the engagement ring my brother, Luciano gave her a couple years ago. I could sense the sudden change in her mood. It was solemn. "I went to Luciano's gravesite today. You should've come with me."

I haven't gone back to my brother's grave in awhile. Its just gotten so much harder to face him knowing he'll never be coming back.

Valeria and Luna are the closest thing I have to him, but now I'm starting to think that that might not be enough.

"I've been busy."

"I've noticed," she replies, eyeing the box of condoms on my nightstand. She stands to her feet, brushing the wrinkles out of her sundress. "I think you should go see him. The anniversary of his death is coming up and I know how you get."

She was referring to the last time Luciano's anniversary rolled around and I'd gotten drunk off my ass. I broke the promise to my brother more times than I'd like to admit, but last year was particularly hard for me.

Marecllius had to strap me down to my bed, because I wanted to kill myself. I couldn't handle being without my twin brother. And most of the time I still can't.

"I've been going to my AA meetings and seeing my therapist. So there won't be a repeat of last time." She glared at me with uncertainty. I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "I promise, Val. Things will be different from now on."

"Okay, I believe you."


"Hey Ma, can I ask you a question?"

She stopped drying the dishes from dinner and gave me her full attention. "Certo, figlio mio. Chiedi via(Of course, my son. Ask away)."

I leaned against the counter, crossing my arms over my chest. "Are you disappointed in me?"

Her brows knitted together, a serious expression on her face. "Why would you think that, Cesare?"

"Because I'm a fuck up, Ma!"

Usually, she'd scold me in Italian for cursing, but not this time. Instead, she wiped her hands on the towel, set it down on the counter, and folded her hands over mine. Her eyes were filled with tears, her hazel eyes sparkling.

"You may not have made the brightest of choices in your lifetime, but I will never view you as anything more than the baby boy I love with my entire being."

She cupped my cheek and I leaned into her warm touch. "You have a right to be upset, Cesare." She started trembling, tears rolling down her blush painted cheeks. "My baby boy, your twin brother died, and it's going to take awhile for us to fully accept that."

I was shocked. This is the first time my mother has ever admitted to Luciano's death. She never used died, or even passed away in the same sentence when referring to him. Which officially made this shit real.


She looked up at me with tears streaming down her face. I took my thumb and wiped the tears from her eyes, before planting a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm going to visit Luci tomorrow. Come with me. He'd love to hear from you."

She paused, swallowing. "Okay," she responded with a nod of her head. "I'll go."


Despite the cold air brushing past me and nipping at my ears, the sun burned heavily down my backside, the golden rays of light shining a spotlight down on my brother's headstone.

I held my mother close, having stood in silence since we arrived a half an hour ago.

"Hey Luci," I finally said, breaking the silence.

Valeria, who was standing beside us with Luna in her arms, broke down in tears.

"Don't cry mama." Luna kissed her mother's cheek, which brought a smile to Valeria's face as well as a smile to mine and my mother's, who nudged my arm and looked up at me.

"When are you going to bring me some nipotini(grandbabies)?"

I shook my head, chuckling. "You have seven grandchildren, ma. Isn't that enough?"

"It will never be enough. Besides, you're all I have left. Marcellius and Niccolo don't want anymore."

I agree with that decision. Marcellius has enough, and Niccolo barely likes the kids he has now.

I sighed, giving in to the puppy dog pout I picked up from her. "We'll see." She smiled with excitement, probably thinking of baby names as we speak. "Now come on," I continued. "Let's go see what Luci thinks."

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