Chapter 29

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Evelyn's POV
I watched from the sidelines, awaiting my turn as the beautiful, petite woman with large brown eyes, olive skin, and shoulder length brown hair posed gracefully for the camera.

She's one of the models I met when I first started. She's super cheerful, friendly, and just an overall amazing person.

I was saddened to hear that a one-night stand she had ended up with her being pregnant and alone. She told me that was waiting for the right time to tell the father and just hasn't had the courage to do so.

After taking a look at the pictures the photographer shot for a maternity magazine, she slipped back on her robe and walked over to me.

"Hey, Ev!"

"Hey, Gen. You looked amazing out there."

She blushed. "Thank you."

Peeling off my robe, I started towards the photographer, but paused and glanced back at Genevieve. "How about lunch once I'm done?"



Gen rubbed her belly as she scarfed down plates of food with her free hand. She then took a sip of her soda and laughed. "I probably look like an animal devouring all this food, but I'm hungry all the time. I guess that's what happens when you're eating for two."

I laughed along with her, knowing exactly what that's like. When I was pregnant with Rylee, I ate like a pig, my stomach a seemingly endless pit.

"So," I started, stabbing my salad with my fork. "Have you told the baby's father yet?"

"Yeah, but he doesn't want anything to do with me or the baby. He thinks I'm lying."

"Wow," I said with a disapproving shake of my head. "What an asshole."

"Don't call him that!" She snapped at me. I stared at her, taken aback by her sudden burst of outrage. "I love him, and I know he loves me." Her eyes glazed over into a dream-like state, as she twirled a lock of her hair around her index finger. "And we will be a family."

Her tone of voice was low and really frightening. The crazy, determined look in her eyes should have been warning enough, but I pushed it aside and blamed it on her hormones.

I didn't say anything after that. I was too afraid of upsetting her and ruining our time together, so I changed the subject.

She was back to her normal cheery personality once we started talking about the baby again. We talked about what she thought the baby was going to be, and the different names she'd come up with.

Everything seemed to be going fine until the phone that replaced the one Cesare broke rang. When I saw that it was Cesare, I excused myself and started to slide out of the booth to go answer it.

But then Genevieve grabbed my wrist, squeezing just a bit too tight. I yanked my wrist free and sat back down, looking at her with confusion.

"You can answer it here. I don't mind."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded, and was smiling so hard that I'm sure her jaw hurt. Sliding the green button across the screen with my thumb, I pressed the phone up to my ear.


"I want you. Come over," he said seductively into the phone, his voice filled with a deep husk that always made my panties dampen.

Despite how sexy he sounded, he did sound a little off. "Cesare... are you drunk?" I didn't think he was drinking again, but I wanted to make sure.

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