Chapter 16

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One month later
Time flew by, one month feeling as though only minutes had passed. So much has happened since I ended things with Cesare. And I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about him.

Which is why I've been putting all my energy into exercising, and modeling after finally landing an in back into the industry.

I was feeling twenty-five pounds lighter. Not just figuratively, but quite literally as well.

Even though Jackson and I are still aren't on good terms relationship wise, we have finally managed to put our own issues aside, so we can co-parent Rylee in a healthier, less toxic way. And let me tell you, it has become a lot easier for all of us.

Rylee is doing extremely well in school. So well, that her teacher thinks placing her into a gifted program would allow her to really benefit in her skill set. And now that I'm modeling again, I'll be able to afford it.

"Wow, im impressed," Amara said with a pant once we finished our five mile run for the day. "And for the first time, I'm the one sweating and you're the one who looks flawless."

I struck a pose, beaming proudly at all the progress I've made. I still had a quite a bit to lose in order to reach my desired weight, but I was definitely more defined in certain areas of my body.

I had gotten toned, curvier, and more confident in my body and appearance. I've never felt as happy as I do now.

"We should celebrate. And I know just the place."


I frowned, sliding into the open booth across from Amara. "I thought you said we were going to eat healthier from now on?"

She wiggled her finger at me, making a a tsk sound with her mouth before responding. "No, I said we should eat healthier. But that doesn't mean I actually want to."

Now that I think back on the conversation we had a few weeks ago, that is what she said. I must not have been paying attention very well.

"Hi! Welcome to Mia's Cafe and Diner. What can I get for the two of you today?"

I looked up and over at a breathtaking woman, who was standing before us in a red apron and a notepad in her hand, ready to take our order. My eyes floated over to her name tag.


Which means she's the owner of this place. She flashed a kind smile, waiting patiently for us to tell her what we wanted.

Amara went first, while I continued flipping through the menu, skimming over the variety of options. My stomach growled at me, and I began drooling at the mouth. There were just so many different options to choose from.

"Alright, and what can I get for you?"

Mia's attention flickered back to me. I shrugged, unable to choose. So Amara offered to share her hero -which is just a long sandwich or hoagie- with me.

"Perfect choice. I'll go get those drinks for you. And your order should be out shortly."

"Great, thank you," I replied, handing Mia both of our menus with a closed-mouth smile.

"So," Amara said drawing my attention back to her. "How's everything going... sexually?"

I should've known that out every question she could have asked, my sex life would be the one she's most interested in knowing.

"There isn't really much to tell when I haven't been having sex."

"What? But what about all of the dates you've been going on?"

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