"I know a park near where we went yesterday that is usually deserted at this season. If you don't want to dirty your garments, I can lend you some of mine."

Wooyoung wasn't very particular about his clothes. If he dirtied them here, he could dump them on Seungyoun without worries since the man would need to get them cleaned, anyway. However, the offer of wearing San's clothes sounded too good to pass up on.

"Let's do it."

San finished his tea before he rose from his chair. At his beckon, Wooyoung trailed after him into his bedroom, where he got dressed in the clothes San handed in his direction. A white shirt and a thigh-long double-breasted jacket later, San and Wooyoung were ready to set out. They walked this time so they could enjoy London in its bustling state. Wooyoung heard different dialects and languages as they sauntered through the busy streets. The number of fragrances and noises thrumming on his senses disoriented Wooyoung, but he could trust San by his side to lead them to their goal. The tall box with swords and sword utensils that San carried on his back attracted the gazes of various people, but nobody dared to question the two distinguished men on their brisk walk through town.

Soon, the two of them had reached the outskirts of London again. Today, they spotted a few other couples milling around as men led their fiancees on a leisure walk that took the weight of the city from their shoulders. Under the bright sunny sky, they shared umbrellas that rested in the lace gloves of the women.

San and Wooyoung found a flat spread of grass off from the main path. A tree nearby offered the perfect place for them to hang their coats and for San to open his box, sheltered by the landmark. Inside were two elegant rapiers. One of them had a golden plate with intricate carvings in it, the other one a protective, swirling cover for the wielder's hand. The part lying in the hand was slender and ripped for a better grip on the light sword.

San handed Wooyoung the swirly one as well as a piece of wood specifically made for fights that had no intention of hurting the opposite person. While he assembled his own sword, Wooyoung watched him to copy.

"How old are these?" Wooyoung's sword-loving eye had no trouble recognising the blades as coming from a few centuries back. His fingers respectfully ran down the dull side of the blade to marvel at its shiny smoothness despite the long age they had existed in this world.

"Two hundred years. Gifted to me by a Spanish weapon smith as thanks for saving his brother from a falsely accused trip to the gallows," San recounted effortlessly with a nod at Wooyoung's sword. Then his dedicated eyes returned to his own weapon as if he were looking at a lover.

"This one was one of my first. It lasted me the longest time. It's a gift for my services under the French king in 16 hundred something." San picked up the weapon to test its weight in his hand. Effortlessly, it melted into his grip and sang on its way through the air as if it had become part of San. After a few testing flicks of his wrist, San decided that the weight was fine. He closed the sword casket and got to his feet. While Wooyoung found a suitable spot opposite him and tried out the resistance of the air against the thin blade that was heavier than his usual training swords, San rolled up his sleeves over his muscular lower arms.

Once they were finally in position and Wooyoung nodded at San, they could begin.

"Shall we battle for five points?" San questioned as he adjusted to the standard pose. Wooyoung was delighted to see that San's old fencing technique meant he put his free arm behind his back so no movement could disrupt his gracious posture.

"How about one for a first test round? And then five for the actual round," Wooyoung suggested as he also went into position. He held his free hand up into the air behind him elegantly. His gloved fingers curled as he balanced on his front leg.

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