
Thomas' POV

He punched Rat-Man on the face and cut his arm. Thomas watched as the man started to spit blood on the white floor. The guard got in as soon as he heard the Rat-Man screaming. Thomas quickly kicked the guard's gun and threw his knife on the man's shoulder. He heard him yelling in pain. Thomas got the gun and ran to the hallway. It was empty and no one seemed to notice it until he got to the third floor. It was a complete chaos. There was blood on the floor, on the ceiling and all over the walls. He almost threw up. Even with no guns, Gally had managed to use daggers and knives knowing that the WCKD wasn't expecting that move.

"Tom!" He heard Teresa call from behind him. He turned around just to see that she had cut her face.

"Your face!" He had to scream for her to hear.

"I know! But we don't have much time! C'mon!" Teresa started to follow the hallway, avoiding all of the knives. Thomas went behind her.

They turned to a smaller hallway and opened a blue door. The room was clear. He saw glass bottles with yellow liquids inside. Thomas got a needle and a bottle.

"C'mon! Let's go!" Teresa said on the door.

"I don't know, Teresa. This plan bothers me. What about the other people? How will they get a cure?"

"The WCKD is going to leave the buildings and then people can finally get the cure. Now let's go, we don't have much time before the guns start to work again."

Thomas nodded and followed her downstairs. When they were on the first floor, heading to the doors, Thomas saw Gally and heard him talking to a man. "We're exploding this place in ten minutes."

"Explode?" Thomas stopped running to argue with Gally. "You can't explode this place! There are a lot of people who need the cure. If you explode this place, it will all be gone."

"Thomas, you got the cure, that was our deal."

"I'm not going to let you explode this place." Thomas said, getting his knife ready.

"Alright." Gally said. "I didn't want to have to do this, but..." He snapped his fingers and two men grabbed his shoulders.

"Hey!" Teresa kicked Gally on the back, but a man grabbed her shoulders too.

"You two leave me with no choice." He got the cure from Thomas' hands and threw it on the floor, making the glass break and the liquid spread on the floor.

"No!" Thomas said.

"Lock them in a room. They are going to blow up with this place." The men started to drag them to a room. They threw Teresa and Thomas on the floor and closed the door. Thomas ran to open it, but it was locked.

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