Chapter 18: Pin Drop

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KLigers98: Okay, first off the last chapter was crazy but also very interesting a pin was accidentally dropped by Vega but why would it be so important? Do you have any ideas Tojamaru?

Tojamaru: I would need to see the Pin to decipher what exactly it is. This, however will be a mystery that needs to be solved by the IMP crew. That is, if Viper actually bothers to ask for help at all, he knows anything involving the Prince of Chaos cannot be good.

KLigers98: Agreed now lets see what's happening with Viper.



Inside the apartment Loona was smiling as she felt Viper listening to her stomach, trying to feel a kick from their child.

Viper: Little guy must be tired. Honestly, this whole moving thing has been crazy. Even though we've been living here for a few months.

Loona: Babe give it time. Also, it's nice that Breaker helped us move here out of the scrap yard. Also, do you have any names yet? I already have a girl's name already.

Viper: Names? I'll be honest, with everything that's happened these last few months, I've completely forgotten to think about stuff like that. Of course, Vega showing up didn't help that at all.

Loona: Yeah, after what happened to Tai... As much he was an idiot he really had our backs but sometimes I wonder if he was less crazy and more stable you think he would be alive?

Viper: Probably, then again if he kept his leap before thinking mentality, well he might have still died. Then again, Vega is a special kind of sick. He does most things for his own entertainment, I'm honestly surprised he outright killed him instead of just taking away his junk or something.

Loona: I can see that but also Tai must of blab about his family to Vega. He must have found something that his life being taken away he would get the best entertainment from the grief of Tai's family suffering.

Vega: How rude of you, I may enjoy watching those dumb enough to make a deal with me suffer. As a gentleman however, I would never harm a lady or child.

Viper and Loona then turned to the door of their bedroom to see Vega, which Viper gets out of bed in shock.

Viper: How did you find our apartment?!

Vega: Charlie told me, poor girl said I needed to try and interact with people outside of the hotel. Considering my options were either you or Drakaina....I obviously chose you. I still do not look forward to when she finds out I'm in the Pride Ring.

Loona: If I recall Maria said that Drakaina wants to jump your-

Vega cuts her off by cracking the windows which scares Loona.

Vega: Apologies, that wasn't to threaten you. Just remembering how relentless that woman can be, gives me the chills.

Loona: I see so why are you here in our home? Besides trying to talk to other people?

Vega: Well to see how your both fairing of course! It's rather strange that you two could have a child to begin with considering Sinners are incapable of feet like that! Perhaps it has something to do with the power my father gave Viper?

Loona: Sinner can't have kids but Sinner can get a demon pregnant. Felicia is a demon and Tai is a sinner.

Vega: It should still be an impossibility in that regard. Maybe your little cat friend did have a unique power, just not the kind he so desperately wanted.

Loona: Wait, that is Tai's power? His power is to be able to bear children even as a sinner?

Vega: I kid, of course, granted most Sinners don't care for that sort of thing. Most just wish to indulge themselves, this however could be rather unique. There is no telling how Viper's powers may affect things.

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