How to Have a Birthday Party

Start from the beginning

"They're a little overbearing."

"Overbearing can be good," Magnus said.

The door opened and Magnus jumped back.

A fat little dog teetered in.

"That's Spongebob," Alec said.

"Your dog opens doors?" Magus asked. Spongebob was breathing heavily and plopped down in the middle of the room.

"He can push the doors open. The locks don't really work properly—"

"Why is your dog named Spongebob?"

"We were 8," Alec said. "We call him Bob or Spongey now."

"You're not allowed to name my cat," Magnus said.

Alec grinned.

"How does this thing get up and down stairs anyways?" Magnus asked. It's little legs were barely visible beneath rolls of fat.

"Someone must have carried him up here."

"So now you have to carry him down?"


"That is one spoiled dog," Magnus said.

"Dinner!" someone screamed in the distance.

Alec picked up Spongebob and they descended the two stories to dinner.

The rest of the evening went fine.

Robert emerged from his office to celebrate with an amazing dinner and an even better cake.

Any contempt that was once held towards Magnus was now directed at Simon.

Alec was told to help with dishes so Magnus was left alone with the family.

Everyone talked in the formal living room for awhile.

A few minute into the conversation, Isabelle looked at Magnus.

"I want to show you something," she said. "Baby pictures of Alec."

She stood up. Simon watched her and Alec leave.

But Isabelle went for the back door, opening it quietly.

Outside was a little patch of grass, fenced in with high white picket fences.

Isabelle went to the far side of the yard, reaching into her pocket.

All of the blinds in the house were closed shut. No one could see out into the yard, and Magnus couldn't see in.

He walked over to Isabelle.

"You smoke," he realized as the little flame burst out of the lighter. She put the cigarette to her lips, took a deep breath, and let out a stream of smoke.

"Simon doesn't know," Isabelle said.

"Already keeping secrets?" Magnus asked.

"Speaking of secrets," Isabelle said, "are you dating my brother?"


"—is probably the wrong word, right?" Isabelle said. "Do you know why I don't tell Simon that I smoke?"

"Because it's a disgusting habit?" Magnus offered.

"Because Simon wouldn't be able to handle it," Isabelle said. "He's all against it."

"Are you about to threaten me?" Magnus asked.

"Alec wouldn't be able to handle it if you broke his heart," Isabelle said. "I don't have to threaten you, Magnus. You already know."

"I have no intention of doing anything to hurt your brother," Magnus said.

"Sometimes, it's not your intentions that hurt others," Isabelle said. "It's the little things; the things you think are harmless are the things that could be their catastrophe."

"You think I could break Alexander."

"I think you're the savior type," Isabelle said. "You think you'll be saving Alec but you'll rip him to shreds."

The back door opened.

Isabelle threw her hand and burning cigarette behind her back.

"What are you doing?" Max asked.

"Talking," Isabelle said, as if it was obvious.

"Mom wants you back inside," Max said. For the first time, he sounded like a younger brother.

"Well, tell her I'll be there in a minute," Isabelle said.

Max slammed the door shut.

Isabelle dropped the cigarette into a pile of dirt and smothered it with the toe of her boot.

"And thank for the dress, by the way."

Magnus almost told her it was a gift from Alec.

But she knew better.

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