Chapter 22

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"As long as the centuries pass away into the mystery of the past, humanity confronts new challenges and hard tasks. Though, we had surpassed nearly all of them with great victory. Therefore, humanity has like a great wardrobe full of trophies and medals, although, there is one space that will remain empty forever, and sadly, if we don't do something about it, it will consume us, and like a sour taste, it will conquer our mouths. Formally speaking, there's a enormous problem that is constantly attacking the world. This includes: schools, society, countries, workstations, community and many others. Therefore it is affecting the emotional health of citizens. Antagonism is the war inside our minds, that constantly, wants to invade the thoughts of others. This has been the conflict that creates wars, problems, destructions and enemies throughout the world. Antagonism, which is the bountiful ignorance in the souls, that wants to eradicate common sense..." The history teacher explained very concentrated on what he was saying. Professor Barnett, or how he likes to be called, Joe, is a very strange teacher that is constantly lost in his thoughts. I know the feeling.
"Professor, that's eleventh material. We're on the Idaho natural resources." Ronan said respectfully, though, Joe Barnett looked offended. Living proof of what I'm saying.
"Very well Ronan, thanks for that." Professor Barnett said looking for other books and started copying on the board.
"Well, as you know, Id-a-ho-". Barnett got stuck in there. That was weird. It looks like English isn't his first language.
"Id-a-ho is a mountainous state with an area larger than that of all New England." He continued talking about Idaho and blah blah blah. I didn't wanted to hear him at all. History, geography, antagonism, marxism, everything was like a loud explosion in my mind. Until. The professor was talking and I heard him saying this:
"Well, Eye-Lock, whoops, never mind. Ida-ho's nick name is the "Gem state", because nearly every known type of Gemstone has been found there..." He continued. Did you guys heard that. Or at least read it. The professor said "Eye-Lock"! He said "Eye-Lock". Let me get through this. He said "Eye-Lock"!! As I understood, no human being knew about the name of our planet. No human being! How is this even possible! I had to do something, I need to do something. I raised my hand.
"Is there a problem Stefan?" Barnett said confused.
"Sorry for interrupting, but did you just said "Eye-Lock"?" I asked curiously. Barnett looked at me in a very strange way and kept silence for a moment. He analyzed my face and suspiciously nodded, wondering why the heck I asked that.
"It's my bad, I have a bad time pronouncing english, I'm Russian you know." He explained cautiously. Russian? Was Barnett a Russian name?? Het! That's "no" for Russian by the way. Anyways, how can you confound Eye-Lock with Idaho. It's nonsense.
"Ooh." I said. He looked at me once again, but kept giving the class. Everyone was looking at me like if I was the strange little kid that asked things not pertinent to the class. Well, kind of. I created tension in the class and that wasn't at all good, but the uncertainty was killing me. All the class passed slowly, but as the bell rang, I knew home was my next destination.
"Mr. Vlophalk, nice orange eyes." He said storing some books on the desk.
"Thanks." I said and then all of a sudden, I noticed some red eyes sparkling like fresh blood. He said Eye-Lock and had strange eye color! This is not normal people! I walked out of the room nervously and nearly ran to Ann's car.

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