Chapter 7

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When I woke up the other day the weather was windy and stormy, disgracefully I couldn't go to school flying cause it would be dangerous. Wouldn't?
I went downstairs and mom was making breakfast to my dad while he was reading the newspaper.
"Hey boy, pretty storm, I'll drive you to school today." Dad said looking at my disappointed face.
"What do you want for breakfast honey?" Mom asked.
"Well, today I'm in the mood of dragon scramble egg with a strawberry-spinach smoothie!" I said hoping our dragon, Fumbi, had eggs in her nest.
"Ok, wait for them." Mom said nicely.
"Eat it fast, you don't want to be late for school." Dad said in a big hurry.
I waited for my breakfast, then eat it, packed my things and climbed to the car with dad. My dad started the engine and drive me to school with a little of velocity excess. I think he was kind of late. The silence in the car was excruciating. I don't like to be in those situations of awkward silences.
As we passed the hight waterfalls and the great mountains I needed to start a conversation.
"Dad, you know there is an awkward silence." I said quickly.
"Yeah, I did. But I'm used to it. Anyways you're the one that breaks the silence." Dad said with eyes in the road.
I looked at him. Awkward silences were the principal ingredients to our relationship, but as always I broke it.
"Any who Dad..." I said lowly.
He fist punched me in the shoulder very hard and gave me a smile. Since I always break this silences I made him a question that was just floating in my head all of a sudden.
"Dad. I have a question." I said looking at my dad.
"I don't like those questions you make." Dad said giving me the look he always made when I sake him something.
"Are you willing to answer it?" I asked suspiciously.
Dad looked at me, like he was worried for something. He breathed hard.
"Positive." Dad said.
My mind remained elsewhere, my doubts always gave dad chills, but as always I spit the words out
"Go on, I don't have all day." Dad rushed.
"Well, my question is the following..." I said slowly so I could get on dad's nerves.
"You're freaking me out!" Dad yelled desperately.
"I have this doubt since I was a child and I have never found the answer too it. Now I now I'm in a good age and I'm mature enough to understand it." I said.
"What happens if we take our necklaces off?" I continued.
Dad look at me, sweat on his forehead and eyes wide open. My question left him perplexed and I knew he was having a hard time trying to answer.
"Stefan, I'm not suppose to tell you that. You're not in the appropriate age to know..." Dad said looking at the road.
"Dad, if you don't answer me I'll find a way to know." I said. Dad knew I was stubborn just like mom.
"Look, you can't tell anyone about this. The minister has established an age to this. You're not twenty!" Dad said nervously.
"I won't tell anyone. Just tell me already!" I said rushed. The anxiety of knowing the history of my nation was burning in my stomach.
"If we take our necklaces off... We disappear to planet earth." Dad said slowly.
Planet earth, the second planet in the universe with life just like us? But, how was that possible?
"How? Why?" I asked curiously.
"I've told you enough!" Dad yelled.
"No, no, no. You started it, you finish it." I said
"Why you teenagers always think you will understand?" Dad muttered with a brief smile.
"Hey! Watch it mister." I said with a smile.
"My boy. You have your mother's eyes. Orange. They are beautiful." Dad said looking at me.
"Don't try to evade the theme with your flattering comments." I said sarcastically.
"And thank you dad. But please go on, I want to know already." I continued.
Dad looked at me madly but he went on.
"You'll have to make it up to me." Dad said.
"Yeah, yeah. Go on." I muttered.
"Twenty years ago, there was a revolution on our planet. We wanted to invade the second planet with life, Earth. Eyelockers started taking off their necklaces to disappear to earth to study it and have a good concept of it. They worked hard to make a plan, have a good tactic but something went wrong-
"What?" I interrupted
"Well our kind realize earth's atmosphere was full of bad feelings, such like sadness, illness, depression and all of those feelings most humans feel. Our kind wasn't strong enough to resist all that suffering." Dad said.
"So what did they do?" I asked curiously.
"Well, they tried to come back, but once you take off your necklace, you can't put it again to come back, you have to stay forever." Dad said with goosebumps.
"And why they didn't come back for them? Why our kind couldn't used our saucers to rescue them?" I asked again.
"They didn't want help, you see, if humans saw us in our saucers they'll go crazy, and they can go with Violence." Dad said.
"What's violence?" I asked.
"Violence... I don't know too much either, but violence is like, hurt someone with no reason or worst kill with no reason." Dad said as he thought he was the wisest man in Eye-lock.
"That's cruel and Wrong, why humans do that?" I said.
"Well that's a question I can't answer. I've never been to earth and I'm not planning to." Dad said sarcastically.
"But do they feel love? Or happiness?" I asked confused.
"Yes." Dad said.
"But I don't understand. In the very first place. Why do we have this necklaces?" I asked
"That's a Mystery to all of us eye lockers." Dad said.
"And here we are, you're school, I can tell you more later!" Dad said quickly, blatantly cutting the conversation.
"I wanted to hear more." I mumbled.
"Get out!" Dad said blowing me off but laughing uncontrollably at the same time.
I got off the car, curiously, because everything was interesting, but instantly I spotted Yormando.
"Yormando!!" I shouted so he can hear me.
"What! Oh, Stefan learned to fly?" Yormando asked.
"Yes, but I didn't call you for that, did your parents told you about the revolution in our planet?" I asked.
"What revolution?" Yormando said.
"Never you mind!" I snapped quickly. I kind of forgot that I couldn't tell anyone.
"Ok... I have to go, Chemistry test, see you later." He said.

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