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*Kyla POV*
My eyes slowly blinked open, everything around me was still so blurry. I turned my head from side to side, but I felt so disorientated.
I tried pushing myself up off the ground, but I was so weak. My arms felt like jelly underneath me. I attempted to push myself up again, but my hands slipped from under me on something moist.  I wiped my left hand on my shirt and my right hand flew up towards my face to see what it was. My eyes bulged when I saw the red liquid everywhere on my hands.

"What is this?" I mumbled to myself as I continued trying to wipe my hands clean on my shirt.

"Oh yea it's blood..." I couldn't recognize my own voice as I spoke out loud. Everything was foggy. I didn't want to panic, but I was starting to.

I tried turning on my side in an attempt to roll myself up, but I  just couldn't get off of the ground. I kept sliding in the the blood that was dripping from my arm. My final attempt to push myself up was successful. I stood up wobbly on my two feet and took a step forward towards the door, but before I could take another step my foot slid from under me in the puddle of blood and I ended up falling backward with my head slamming onto the  hardwood floor. Everything instantly began spinning and I started seeing black spots everywhere. I kept blinking my eyes to try and stay awake , but they kept getting heavier. My blinks got longer and longer until everything suddenly went black.

I didn't know how long I had been laying there. It could've been minutes, hours , days.

I was fading in and out of consciousness. 

Time wasn't very relevant for me in my current state.

Before I knew it I heard footsteps slowly tapping  against the floor towards my room.

There was a knock at the door.


Another knock.

"Kyla are you in there?"

This time the knock was louder.

"Kyla, I know you're in there, your cars in the driveway. I'm coming in."

The door swung open.

"Kyla, I've been calling your phone for hours and I've told you a million times you have to...."

"KYLA! WHAT THE FUCK! There's blood everywhere!!!" It kind of sounded like my dad, but I couldn't be sure. Everything was fading in and out.

"Kyla!!! No! What happened?!" I didn't have to be fully conscious to know a panicked voice.

My dad turned me onto my back and put his ear to my chest . I think he could hear me breathing because the next thing I heard was him mentioning an ambulance and our address before everything faded completely to black.

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