Although it was fun, the question of what you wanted to talk about remained on the back of his mind. He couldn't smile too much because every time he smiled, he thought of you, and thinking of you just reminded him of the talk you seemed to want to have as soon as you got back.

So he found more stuff to do.

The wind had gotten stronger and the sun was beginning to set, so what did they do? They went over to Jimin's place to eat some takeout he had ordered. Chanyeol was having the time of his life and Namjoon found the company of another adult to be helpful for the nerves.

They talked about what could've happened. Jimin is someone that is wise when it comes to relationship stuff. He's also someone that's great at seeing the kindness in others. He insisted that Y/N wouldn't have done that if it were something bad.

Namjoon didn't believe him.

How could he? You looked so pensive- so upset before you left. Then you wanted to have a chat? Namjoon didn't like this.

It was hours that went by and Namjoon was on the verge of literal tears by the end of the day because thinking was not for him. He liked you. He did. He was in love with you and there you were, giving him hints of the complete opposite.

"She's gonna leave me." He mutters for what Jimin knew was the hundredth time.

Jimin sighs, putting the soggy jelly beans Chanyeol gave him on the table. "Namjoon, for the thousandth time... don't jump to conclusions. The last time we were at the amusement park the two of you were whipped. What could've changed so fast?"

Namjoon frowns and shakes his head. "I have this feeling Jimin, I can feel it in the pit of my stomach. By tomorrow- Chanyeol is going to be babysitter-less and I'm gonna be all by myself." He groans and covers his face in defeat.

Jimin is sighing, clicking his teeth while glancing at the time.

Namjoon looks up with a shocked expression. "You have to keep Chanyeol for the night."

"Say what now?" Jimin furrows his brows. "Why?"

Namjoon stands and walks to Chanyeol who's glued to the tv, already drooling and half asleep. "Wait no-" he turns to show his face to Jimin. "She can't leave me. Not without a two weeks notice. You think if I use Chanyeol, she'd be convinced to stay?"

"What are you on about? You're all over the place dude."

Chanyeol swings his feet stubbornly, asking to be put down and Namjoon does, apologizing to his son.

He plans on going on with his rant but he hears his alarm. An alarm he had set to go home because he noticed you left your keys on the counter. "I gotta go."

"So suddenly? Are you kept on watch?"

"She left her keys at home. I gotta make sure I'm there before her. Gotta make sure the place is clean so she doesn't call me a slob when she throws me out of the house." Now at this point Namjoon was being extra, he knew it and Jimin did too. It was all to calm the nerves but also for him to express how nervous he was about the whole situation.

"It's your house." Namjoon frowns at Jimin's comment. When Jimin notices, he hums and leans back on the chair. "I'm kidding..! You'll be fine. We all know she's not like that and you know, she loves Chanyeol. If she leaves you, we both know she wouldn't leave him."

Namjoon's shoulders immediately loosen up and he visibly becomes less tense. That's the one thing he was sure of. Y/N loved Chanyeol, maybe more than his own mother would show him at times.

"So you're saying she is going to leave me?"

Jimin groans. "Just go, dude. With Chanyeol. We have practice and a meeting about the tour tomorrow so it'll be messy if he stays with me." He explains, walking towards Chanyeol and picking him up, whispering to explain that he has to go.

Namjoon takes the toddler and turns to the door. Although he's walking, his mind stops him from walking too fast. He was too scared to face Y/N after she said she wanted to talk.

The goodbyes are quickly said and Namjoon has his driver take him and Chanyeol home. He's nervous the whole way back, hoping that you're not there waiting for him. To his relief, you weren't.

It took you about three hours to get home after they arrived. That was enough time for Namjoon to think of twenty more scenarios as to what you had to say to him and enough time to come to terms with it.

Chanyeol had fallen asleep and Namjoon couldn't fall asleep no matter how he tried. At the end of the day, he ended up watching tv and whenever his eyes closed for a second, he found himself forcing them to stay open because he was too afraid that when he opened his eyes again, you would be gone.

All thoughts come to a halt when there are some knocks at the door.

You're here.

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