People will try to take it away from me.

Men will fucking hate every second of me ruling but they will still have a smile plastered on their face because they have to.

If they want to survive.

I am ripped out of my thoughts when a loud knock sounds on my door.

I turn my gaze back to the zipper and try again to zip my dress up despite my sweaty palms.

Another knock sounds but I can't hear a voice.

"Stay the fuck out. I want to be alone." I yell at whoever made the noise and at this moment the zipper is finally up and the dress on.

I let out a relieved breath and then travel my gaze over the table in front of me searching for my jewelry.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Where is it?

Another knock sounds through the door and causes my blood to boil.

Someone has a death wish.

"I said I want my fucking privacy. I don't need your goddamn help to get dressed. Get the fuck away from the door or I will make sure this is your last day on this earth alive." I scream and continue to search the table for my necklace.

Where is this fucking jewelry?

I can't go without it.

Goddamn it.

"Amara." I suddenly hear a voice behind me and immediately look up into the mirror to see Adriano's face.

I turn around and straighten my posture.

"What the fuck are you doing in here. Get the fuck out or I am gonna- "I start yelling at him as I step closer.

"What are you gonna do then? Kill me? Yeah, because you were so successful at that the last years." Adriano interrupts me with a chuckle.

I clench my fists tightly, trying not to jump at him and crawl his eyes out.

How dare he?!

He knows what I am capable of.

He saw it with his own eyes.

"Relax, Amara. I am here in peace. No reason for violence." He says stepping closer, so he is only a few inches away from me as he looks down at me.

I have to look at you so there is indeed a reason for violence.

A grin appears on his face as he studies my features and then he steps to the side and walks to my table.

He just stands there for a few seconds before picking something up.

He turns around to me and opens his palm to reveal the jewelry I have searched for.

I frown at him and then immediately try to snatch it out of his hand, but he is faster than me and pulls it away with a smirk on his face.

"Give it to me," I demand with a firm voice, glaring at him.

"No." He answers, his eyes looking into mine.

"No?" I ask, raising an eyebrow, stepping closer to him.

"No." He repeats, also taking a step closer, our chests nearly touching.

I study his features, my gaze traveling to his lips.

The corner of my mouth twitches as he gulps when I slide my tongue over my lip, wetting it.

I use this moment of weakness to reach for his fist and snatch the jewelry away, but Adriano immediately reacts and grabs my wrist. He turns me around and pushes my back against him.

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