"Who is it, Dean?" Sam said as he came over to his brother's side, looking down at the woman who was before him. As he gazed down at her, Sam's face changed to sadness.

All three of them knew the reason why Sam had cause to feel the way he did; he was looking down at the only person who could remind him of someone who he had lost.

Zion watched with a deep sadness as Sam had leaned over to Bree, extending a hand to her. Bree took it, she'd rather prefer his hand than Dean's. She had to resist the urge to glare at him as Sam got her up to her full height.

"So, Dean and Sam Winchester...  How can I serve you bastards? " Bree said, glaring up at them. She watched as Sam's expression change to guilt and as Dean's expression changed to anger.

That wasn't the moment when Zion had fallen to Earth, no matter how much he wish he had. It was much later when he finally had the chance to. It came when Bree hissed at Dean. "No problem... I'll leave." She had said. That was when the light from within him began to emanate. He had fallen to Earth for her now. He wanted to protect her.

Waking up now on the suburbs of the small town, Zion knew he had to find her. She would leave them immediately, he knew her like the back of his hand. She would leave them out of spite. She did not want Dean Winchester near her.

He grabbed a stranger from his car, shouting at him to give him his clothes and his car. Zion had nearly gotten punched out. He was lucky he still had his former body given back to him. It wasn't easy work. The other angels strained to fix all of it. But it was done painstakingly.

Luckily, the police badge he showed the man had made it through. It was real, his human husk was named Zachariah Jones. The man had managed to curse him out while giving him his clothes. "Damn cops," he had said. This wasn't the first time this had happened.

Zion got into the car with his new clothes on. He started driving around looking for her. When he had finally pinpointed her location. He watched as Bree had left the bushes in despair for she had been through a hell of day.

In fact, he watched she was walking along side of the street when he decided to drive up behind her, feeling and hearing the vibrations of the engine from the sidewalk, He watched worriedly as Bree struggled to breathe. She was hoping to God Almighty that it wasn't the brothers.

He could see she was turning slightly to see out of the corner of her eye, she could see that it was not the impala and the car was being driven by him. "Bree!" Zion called, getting out of the car.

As he took off his aforementioned sunglasses, Bree's mouth opened in shock as she stared into his eyes—which were an unusual light gold color—running up to him to deal him a kick, he blocked her and grabbed her foot. "What the fuck?!" She screamed at him. She moved her foot away from him and went to hit him with her left fist, she knew it wouldn't hurt as much as her right but it would still be a blow.

She wanted to hurt him and feel his skin under hers as her rage came out, blocking her every move with ease, Zion couldn't help but be bemused by her and yet feeling that tinge of regret that he felt when he disappeared on her. He didn't want to leave her, he had to; her fate was intertwined with someone he knew would treat her better than how the world treated her. Treat her better despite him loving her.

It was soon coming if she hadn't met him already. Bree was going to be in a big battle morally and physically, she just didn't know it yet. "Why did you do this to me?!" She cried aloud, breaking him out of his thoughts. "Answer me, Zion!" She said, not caring of tears were slipping out of her eyes as she tried to hit him.

At that, Zion let down his guard and let her hit him across the face with her fist, blood spurted out of his nose down to his chin while a bruise formed on his cheek. Zion had forgotten that he was human now and could feel pain now, he had fallen again to be a human, once before for Mel, twice now for Bree. "I needed to find you..." He answered her in a soft voice.

Bree could only stare at him tearfully in silence, her face was becoming red. "You found me," She said in a near monotone. "You found me too late..." She admitted. He could do nothing but stare at her. Even in one of her moods, she was beautiful.

"What happened to you while I was gone?" Zion asked her, getting up from the ground. He grimaced as he briefly touched the bridge of his nose in attempt to stop the nosebleed. Unfortunately, it wasn't working. He wanted to tell her in that moment that he fell for her, to help her. But something stopped him.

"Why should you care, Zion?" Bree muttered bitterly under her breath. Her expression was changing to that of a woman drowning in sadness to that of a woman who was hellbent on revenge. As quick as that happened, Bree turned on her foot and was walking away from him. Zion had no choice but to chase after her.

"Bree , wait!" Zion shouted, his dark clothes were nearly impeding him of the right pace to catch up to her. Hell, she walked a lot quicker than how she did before or he was getting slow in this human body. "Bree, hold on!" He shouted once more. He caught up to her and nearly grabbed her arm to stop her but she wasn't having it.

In her attempt to move away from him, she turned towards him and her back was to the road, moving away from him. Zion was calling her name to make her stop moving backwards to come to him instead of the road but it was too late, the mini van that was being driven (didn't for a second pay attention) had hit Bree and her body flew across the road. That was their first meeting after a year of anguish.

The memories faded slowly. Cas could feel something setting in. It was something he could feel only a small part of. Tiredness set in. He tried shaking Zion awake but it was no use. Cas's blue eyes teared up. He didn't think this would affect him so much. The Angel that Cas held was no longer with him, the body was an empty husk. Zion was gone...

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