Chapter 22: By Chance

Start from the beginning

Hitch Dreyse happened to be on that beach that very day, sporting sunglasses and a white, two-piece swimsuit. She was tanning peacefully when she heard all of the commotion. Curious, and slightly annoyed at all of the noise, she lowered her glasses and looked up towards a crowd that had gathered on the edge of the tides.

Her jaw dropped as soon as she saw a certain blonde carrying a little boy to safety.

Armin, with his damp hair and glistening skin, smiled and shook hands with what Hitch assumed to be the little boy's parents.

She was presented with a full view of Armin's toned muscles, and his pearly white teeth.

Sophomore year had been kind to the boy, and Hitch smirked, intrigued.

"Well hot damn," she said to herself as she took off her glasses and discarded them on her lounge chair.

Hitch got up, grabbed her phone, and made her way to Armin, swaying her hips a tad bit more than natural. She fluffed her hair up and held a lax grin on her face. Once she was behind the boy, she tapped his shoulder and Armin turned.

"Hey, that was pretty cool, what you did out there. It was brave," she said as she twirled her hair around her slender finger and put on the charm.

"Oh, thanks Hitch! Just doing my job."

Armin smiled, innocently oblivious to Hitch's flirting, and the girl blinked in surprise.

"Wait, you know me?"

Frowning ever so slightly, Armin responded.

"Yeah, from class."

Hitch furrowed her brows and tilted her head as she thought long and hard about where she could have possibly seen the boy.

Armin, upon seeing that she was confused, chuckled nervously

"Heh, you know...German class?"

It was then that Hitch's eyes lit up in recognition.

"Oh, Erwin! You cut your hair short!

Hitch giggled and Armin's lips pressed together into an awkward smile

"Ah, it's...actually Armin."

Hitch did a double take

"Oh my gosh, I had your name wrong this whole time?!" she exclaimed.

Though true, Armin was polite about it.

"It's ok."

Hitch apologized lengthily, with Armin standing in the sand and half hearing the girl. He was trying to focus on his job, but he didn't want to be rude and tell Hitch to leave.

"No, really, Hitch, it's fine." He waved off the girl's guilt.

Hitch was quick to recover and breezed past the situation, finding herself satisfied with the fact that Armin was someone she already knew.

He's kind of nerdy...but he's pretty hot.

She eyed Armin up and caught his attention.

"We should hang out sometime," she said casually.

Armin turned to her in surprise.

"You--You want to hang out with me?" he pointed to himself and went wide-eyed.

Hitch nodded.

"Mhm. I think we can be really good friends." She smiled at him slyly, hoping that Armin would pick up on the vague hints she was putting out.

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