"Let's go inside, Atara is alone." Ana said and they walked inside the house.

"Atara! Princess we are home-" Abijah's voice caught in his throat. 

They stopped in their tracks as a chill ran down their spine. They could smell it. They could smell the devil in their house. They knew this smell very well. 

"This smell?" Abijah said looking around the living room with suspicion. 

"It's his smell." George said clenching his jaw. 

They heard the faint footsteps of Atara as she descended down the stairs.

"Princess-" George paused looking at her with shock. 

She smiled at them but their faces held only shock.

The smell was coming from her. She smelled of the devil. 

"How...."Ana said coming forward. She imagined the worst scenarios making her heart beat rapidly.

Atara misunderstood their shock and said, "Ah this shirt. Mr. Lucifer gave it to me because my clothes were wet and dirty. I was stuck because of the rain and that's what took me so long to come back." 

She was unaware of the hell that broke loose in their minds because of her words.


"George? Why are you here in so much hurry? Is everything alright? How is Atara?" Poseidon asked the angel who stood in the middle of the huge hall, surrounded by the gods and goddesses. His face displayed his worry clearly. 

"Nothing is alright My lord. He is here. He met her." 

There was a pin drop silence in the room following his words. 

Everyone was shocked and filled with worry for their daughter.

"What are you saying? How is that possible?" Hera asked standing up from her seat. Her face was fear stricken and pale.

George explained them everything that happened. He told them what Atara had said. She had told them about all her encounters with Lucifer and the warning of the crows.

Atara was not aware of the reason why her parents were so interested in knowing about the man. 

"You're kidding me!" Zoles said with a scowl.

"I wish I was. But it's the truth. He has bought a manor in the town where he lives with Hans, a demon. He even met Atara but she does not remember him nor did he remind her. His intentions are clear. He wants to win her back." George said looking at the distressed gods.

Poseidon stared at his hands with sadness.

"With these same hands I brought her lifeless and blooded form here. These hands were covered in her blood, These hands have wiped her unconscious tears." He said to himself as a tear fell down his cheeks. Though he was a god, a strong and tough man but he was also her father. A father who had to witness his child's misery. 

  Ares kept a hand on his shoulder in a consoling way.

"We won't let her get hurt, ever again." Poseidon said with a determined look. His voice filled with the sincerity of his words.

"You are right, we will not let him win this time." Zoles said coming forward. 

"But how?" Asked George.

"We should move her two some other place."

"We should confront him."

"Let's bring her here."

"We should attack him."

The room was filled with different voices giving their own suggestions. 

"Enough!" A voice boomed through the hall making everyone quiet.

Athena came forward with a thoughtful look on her face. She was the worst affected seeing Atara's pain. Till date, she cursed herself for ruining her daughter's life.

"I think we should leave it on Atara." She said looking at the crowd of worried parents.

"Please Athena, do not give that same suggestion again which ruined my daughter." Hera said with bitterness in her voice. She had developed a permanent grudge with Athena ever since she supported Atara and Lucifer. 

"She is my daughter too and I think it is better for her to figure out her life. If he tries anything, if she remembers anything from her past then Atara is going to be the first one to leave him. She will hate him, either way. And it will be us who will make sure that she never forgives him. For now George, you keep her away from him. Make sure they never meet again. Do anything. Even if you have to lock her in the house. Just  keep him away." Athena's voice was filled with an emotion she rarely expressed. She wasn't someone to become so harsh and strict. But situation had changed everyone. 

"As you say, your highness. But what if she remembers?" George asked worriedly. 

"It will be painful for her but she will get over it. And she won't ever forgive him, she can't."

"And this time we will not listen to anybody. It is about our daughter's safety." Adele said with a determined look. 

"If she stays away from him, she will never remember her past. Make sure to keep them away from each other."  

George nodded at them, his mind started finding excuses to stop her from meeting him. 


Atara dressed in a pretty pink dress for going to the library. She walked to the kitchen and saw her family eating their breakfast. 

"Good morning." She was greeted by everyone.

 "You look beautiful. Are you going somewhere?" Asked her father.

She frowned at them not getting his words.

"Of course I am. We are going to the library, right?" She asked him.

He looked at his wife who gave him a worried look before continuing her breakfast.

"Um I was thinking why don't you stay at home today?" He asked giving her a small smile.

"Why? It's been 4 days since I have not left the house. You didn't let me go to the bakery or even the library. Why? Why are you all giving me lame excuses everyday?" She asked in an irritated voice.

"Honey, why would we do that?" Her mother tried to calm her down.

"That's what I am asking. Why? Why am I suddenly not allowed to leave the house?" She asked folding her hand.

She was frustrated as they were keeping her locked up in the house since 4 days and not giving a proper reason.

"Because we care for you. It is not safe for you to leave the house. After.... After you told us how that man attacked you at night, we are worried about you." Elijah half lied. Yes they were worried for her but not because of any man, because of Lucifer.

"Brother, that is not something to worry about so much. It just happened once and I am fine."

"But still, for us Atara. We care for you. Only for today. Please princess?" Ana said using her emotional card which always worked. She squeezed Atara's hand and showed her sad eyes.

Atara being the most soft hearted person immediately melted and agreed. Her family did not like lying to her but they had no option.

They left the house locking the door from outside. Atara huffed looking at the empty house. She snuggled in her bed reading a book. It would take her mind off things and relax her.

 She soon found herself getting dozed off unaware of the chaos that was going to come in her life with this nap. 

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