Chapter 4: Rewinding time in the Azad

Start from the beginning

Donald: After what happened when you got in charge of driving, there is no way you're EVER getting near the controls again!

Soejammy: Where's the fun in having an adventure without having some risk~?

Donald: It's not fun when you're the one who gets sent flying and planted into a wall by the g-force!

Soejammy: Well, you did get told to buckle up and get ready to lift off.

Goofy: Now come on fellas, there's no need to be fighting over who should be driving the ship. Perhaps we should leave it to Donald as he's always been in charge of it.

As Goofy stepped in to try and defuse the situation as a lightning bolt was seen from Donald and Jammy glaring at each other, Sora and I were watching the scene with sweat drops.

Sora: Why do I feel like this fight is going to be happening every time we travel to a new world...?

Kitty: Something tells me that it may be possible. Jammy...did have a lot of fun flying last time, but I don't think Donald is going to be letting him get control again so soon...

As the fight for the controls continued with Goofy doing his best to stop sparks from flying between them, Mini-Nep was looking at the scenery before shouting alarmed.

Mini-Nep: Nep! Nepu Nep! Nepu!

This caught everyone's attention hearing Mini-Nep so panicked as Beat head over to the controls to see what's wrong.

Beat: What's going on Mini-Nep?

Mini-Nep was pointing to the front window to indicate that there was something going on outside. Beat took a look outside the window as his eyes widened seeing what she's so panicked about.

Beat: Umm there supposed to be a vortex that looks like it could suck the whole ship inside at any moment right in front of us??

With a mix of curiosity and horror from the group, everyone went to look out the window as all eyes widened in surprise.

Donald: Unless you want to become the one stuck to the wall, I suggest that you get buckled in quickly! This is going to be a bumpy ride!

Instead of trying to gain control of...well the controls, Jammy immediately went to one of the spare seats and buckled up as Mini-Nep hid in his pocket. Goofy and Beat went back to their seats and got buckled up not wanting to risk standing up in a bumpy ride. As Sora and I got buckled up, Jiminy clung onto Donald's hat as Donald tried all he could to steer the ship away from the vortex.

Soejammy: Well at least this time the serious duck can't get mad about us jumping out the ship!

Donald: This is not the time for any jokes! Trying to focus here!

Goofy: Gwarsh, it would be best to let him focus right now when he's driving in a tricky situation.

Kitty: I really hope that we're going to be able to get away from the vortex safely....

Sora: We're just going to have to believe in Donald!

Beat: I really hope we will be safe...

But no matter what Donald tried, nothing worked as the ship was being sucked into the vortex. Screams were the last thing to be heard as darkness soon took over my vision as I blacked out.

World: Palace of Azad

As the clouds separated, I heard the sounds of air rushing past my ears as I looked to see Sora and Goofy as I looked down to see we were heading towards a place that looked like a palace. To which we were falling very fast too!!

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