Chapter 53 - A New Companion

Start from the beginning

"Awesome!" Andy clapped his hands and took his ice cream. Rita passed the money to him and took her ice cream.

"By the way, young woman, what's your name?" the ice cream man asked Rita.

"I'm Rita. And you?"

"I'm Paolo. Paolo Rossi, the owner of Rossi's Happy Ice Cream. And who's this young man with you?" Paolo glanced at Andy.

Andy was not comfortable to reveal his name to a stranger he just met, but Rita spoke for him, "His name's Andy."

"Rita!" Andy was upset. Rita ignored him. "By the way, Paolo, I've never seen you around before."

"That's because I've not explored this street before. You guys live nearby?"

"Uh-huh," Rita nodded.

"Rita!" Andy shook her sleeve. "We can't let strangers know where we live."

"Oh, you're such a sensible young lad," Paolo chuckled, his crows feet were deep and visible with each laugh. "Just come around and I'll add a free scoop if you buy from me," he winked.

"Really? You mean it?" Rita was astonished.

"Sì (i.e yes in Italian)," Paolo flashed an OK gesture.

"Why's that?"

"Why? Because everyday's a special day! My job as an ice cream man is to make people happy!"

"Wow," Rita was impressed by his generosity and tasted her ice cream. "This taste really good! Thank you so much, you're too kind," smiled Rita before heading back home with Andy.

Once they were inside, Rita remarked, "Isn't he the sweetest ice cream man on earth? Soo friendly!"

"Too friendly," said Andy as he ate his ice cream.


Andy was at Leon's house that evening, eager to meet his new pet after Leon video-called Ariel and showed off his new dog. As Ariel could not be spotted going to his house, she found a way to bring Andy to Leon's house - through Rita. After all, Rita was also Leon's friend and there was no rule stating that she could not visit Leon.

"Oh, she's so cute!" Andy stroked Leon's puppy on the head and neck. The dog got excited and barked, and jumped to kiss his face. He giggled and rolled over the floor as the dog excitedly got onto him.

"She likes you already," Leon laughed at the funny scene.

"What's her name?" asked Andy.

"Mmm...I've not thought of one. Why don't you come up with a name and I'll decide if it's good or not."

"Really? Cool!" Andy got excited. "Let's call her Pesto, cos' I like pesto spaghetti."

"Pesto?" Leon's smile faded. It was the exact name of his late puppy, a Shiba Inu that was a comfort gift from his parents after his break-up from Emily. However, three months later, the poor little pooch died of an acute heart failure that went undetected. It doubled the heartbreak for Leon that he refused to own a pet thereafter.

"Pesto's the name of my late dog. Try something else," said Leon.

Andy thought hard, "Sky. Cos she's always happy, like on cloud nine."

"Sky? I love it!" Leon gave his thumbs up.

"Yeah!" Andy put his hand arm up and pulled it towards himself as a gesture of victory.

"Sky! That's your new name, Sky, understand?" Leon held the dog's front paws in his hands and looked at her. The dog tilted its head, as if trying to process its new name.

"Here, she loves to play fetch," Leon passed a ball to Andy.

While Andy played with Sky, Leon glanced at Rita and Evan holding hands and sweet talking to each other. He coughed loudly that their hands abruptly released from each other's touch.

Not in front of me, Leon mimed his words. Evan nodded and giggled along with Rita, and they both went out to the backyard.


When everyone left, Sky pawed at Leon's legs and he carried her to his lap while he sat on the sofa.

He switched on the TV and was not pleased to see a performance by Jake Miliano, the teen idol who was now topping the charts. Young girls were screaming and pining for him, to the point they looked as if they were about to faint. Somehow, instead of switching channel, Leon continued to watch as he got curious about his much younger competitor.

"Sky, who do you think's better? Me or him?" Leon asked Sky. 

The dog looked at Leon and tilted its head at him with its dole eyes, as if unsure what he was talking about. She looked at the TV but was disinterested after a while, placing her paws across Leon's lap and laying her head down.

" chose me," he stroked her head.

The camera panned to the audience and Leon spotted Sheldon seated at the back, wearing his signature black suit and well-oiled combed hair. He was grinning ear-to-ear, clapping for the young celebrity who was now his next lap dog.

"Grr!" Leon growled at the TV. Upon hearing his growl, Sky perked her ears and head up and barked at the TV.

"That's right, Sky!" he cheered. With a dog around, it felt fun, therapeutic, and not so lonely.

Leon sighed, "I lost my voice, lost my wealth, lost the girl I love. But you're the only one who stays true to me. I know how it feels when you were abandoned." He hugged Sky close to him and she responded with a cute whine, as if understanding what he said and proceeded to lick his hand.

"Who's your biggest influence in your music?" The TV host asked Jake during the "Ask a Celebrity" session after the performance.

Jake Miliano: "Leon Waltz."

Leon raised his eyebrows at the mention of his name. Jake was beaming proudly.

TV Host: "Why Leon?"

Jake Miliano: "Cos' he's so talented, he's cool and he's a legend. I've been looking up to him since I was 12. I can sing every Leon Waltz song at the back of my head."

TV host: Really? Prove it.

Jake Miliano: ♪ Be thou mine and I'll be yours. Under the cherry tree, where the stars call. Take my hand, take me now. Let me be forever yours

Leon almost choked on the orange juice that his mother had freshly squeezed for him. Jake was singing the chorus of his debut but he added a different and refreshing take to the harmonics, making the cover of his debut sound even better than the original. The audience roared with cheers and claps.

"He sings better than me," Leon lamented, being reminded of his lost voice. Sky looked at Leon and whined.

Jake: Here's another one. ♪ I can feel your -

Leon turned off the TV, unable to take it anymore.

Just then, his skincare distributor called him. It was the call he had been waiting for.

"Made up your mind already?" asked Leon.

"Yes. I've discussed this with my team and we're pleased to proceed with the sale," said his distributor.

"That's good news," Leon sighed with relief and sadness. "I'll meet you tomorrow and sign off the ownership to you."

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