
She was inside what appeared to be protected hallway, full of locked doors. Barriers. Y/n remembered most Jonin shinobi had barriers within their minds to prevent important information from the leaf village from being transmitted to other villages.
She slowly and carefully unlocked each barrier as she was trained to do, feeling exhausted by the time she had reached the last barrier.

This was the important part, she was in his mind, looking through some memories. They were all thoughts of her. Her from the front, her from the back. The way her eyes fluttered open every morning, her sleeping. He watched her sleep? The way she giggled and blushed, and stuttered. They gradually became more sexual and real. These must be memories he had preserved with his sharingan. They were of y/n naked and moaning. She couldn't bare to look at his main thoughts anymore, finding herself blush, even though she was just chakra for now.

She was here to see why.
Why did he think of her so much? She needed to know what lied under his obsession with her, and she would find out once she went deeper into his mind.

She kept hearing a noise, it was choked sobs and running water. Rounding a corner and seeing a young Kakashi standing at the sink and washing his hands.

"It won't come off it won't come off." He murmured over and over, sounding terrified, turning to face her with a shocked look in his eyes. "Her blood, it won't come off." He spoke directly to y/n, startling her for a moment.

Y/n nodded slowly, trying to understand, when quietly, little Kakashi faded away, getting replaced by the deeper memory as y/n walked further into his mind.
She didn't have much longer left. Y/ns record for this test had been six to seven minutes, her usual being around four to five, she had to hurry, but felt scared. Something was telling her this wasn't going to be nice.

There it was, a very clear memory, Kakashi must have been using his sharingan at the time, his hand going through Rin. Y/n had to look away for a moment, knowing she was running out of time and walking deeper.

She saw so many memories flashing by, his hand going through many peoples chests, ribs cracking open and blood spurting out of their torso as he emotionlessly watched them meet their doom. He felt free, unforgiving, desensitised to the act. Y/n witnessed so many killings, each more brutal than the previous one. And oh god-
He was bleeding all over and Kakashi felt happy, she needed to get out now.

This is what she was replacing in him? She was a distraction to all of this inside him? Y/n tried to fathom such an idea, feeling herself running out of chakra in the fifth minute, exiting his mind.


Her body should have been on autopilot, reacting to whatever was going on in the external world, just with less chakra.

She came to, to Kakashis angry face. "What did you just do to me?" Shit, he noticed, of course, jonin notice everything, god she felt so stupid. He scared her more now, so she naturally felt herself inch backwards, looking down at the floor.

"N-nothing, it was nothing Ka-" His hand slowly wrapped around her neck, forcing her to stop talking mid sentence and begin trembling. "P-Please, stop Kakashi, I d-did nothing t-to you." She felt her heartbeat going one hundred miles an hour.Kakashi both felt and smelled her fear, it was intense, really intense, something was wrong.

" Hey look at me." She couldn't, he still had his hand around her neck. "Look, at, me." She looked up at him, eyes wide. "What did you just do, did you fucking put me under genjutsu?" She was on the verge of crying, unable to talk. Her voice wavered, and her tears came as she opened her mouth to speak. "Kakashi, s-stop with y-your hand-" She was stuttering more now that she was crying, comforting herself with a hug.

Psycho Kakashi - ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now