and all of the lights will lead

Start from the beginning

"I mean, a little," Barry started.

"My parents. My aunt. H. R," Kara continued.

"Not too much," Barry said.

"Laurel," Kara continued.

"Some," Barry said.

"Snart," Kara finished.

"We've a few funerals," Barry muttered.

"Yeah," Kara muttered also.

"So, Barry," Sharon started awkwardly. "Why do you think Kara wanted you two to see me today?"

"Well, Kara and I- we recently started working together again. You see, I went away for a while on a, uh-" Barry tried to explain.

"A business trip," Kara said.

"Yes, a business trip. For seven months and y- um, I guess now, yeah. We're just learning to back in sync, to sync up again," Barry explained.

"Is that right?" Sharon asked.

"Mmhmm," Barry hummed.

"Well, there's no right or wrong, Barry," Sharon said as she wrote something down.

"Right," Barry said but then realized he said right when she just said there's no right or wrong.

"I think we could work on listening a little bit more," Kara said and Barry looked back at her. "Right?"

"Uh-huh, yeah," Barry agreed.

"Um, or else, someone could get really hurt. You know, like, if they crashed their car into a brick wall going 100 miles per hour," Kara said and Barry looked at Sharon, nervously laughing.

"She means that emotionally," he said and Kara smiled.

"Do I?" She muttered.


In Cisco's workshop, Cisco sat at his computer, looking over one of his tech magazines, while Caitlin looked over some other stuff nearby. "Hello, Mamacita. They don't make them like you anymore," Cisco said to the magazine.

"What the hell?"

Cisco turned around to see Gypsy had stormed into the room, thinking he was looking at a different kind of magazine. "Easy, it's just the Motherboard of the Month, July of '07, okay? Look at her," Cisco said, showing her the magazine as he rolled his R's.

"Kinda wish it was a girl," Gypsy muttered under her breath. "Baby, it's been hours. You guys haven't made any progress yet?"

"No mention of Kurt Weaver or Tim Kwon or any connection between the two of them," Caitlin told her.

"Until now," Cisco suddenly said before he slammed the magazine at his desk. The two girls ran over to see him looking at a page with four people smiling at the camera. "Got him. Take note, people, it's only hoarding if it doesn't pay off."

"Okay, so that's Tim Kwon," Caitlin said as she pointed at the Asian boy. "That's Kurt Weaver." She pointed at the white boy. "That's Sheila Agnani." She pointed at the girl of the group. "Who's that guy?" She then pointed at an overweight guy, but no one knew.

Central City Police Department

Joe walked into Singh's office, with a cup of coffee in hand, where Tim Kwon was in. "You don't have any idea who would wanna do you harm?" Joe asked as he handed the coffee to Tim. "Not even a gut feeling?"

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