Lavender's blue

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You jolted up from your sleep, panting and heaving placing a hand to your chest to help calm you down from the nightmare you had just awoken from. But nothing was helping. You stood up putting your fluffy socks on wrapping yourself with your duvet walking out of your hotel room.

"What fffffff-frickin level was she again?" you muttered to yourself scratching your head still wrapped in the duvet wondering around the hotel hallways looking for Scarlett's hotel room. You sat down on the floor and loudly sighed, without realising alerting someone's attention. 

"Y/n? Is that you sweetheart?" Cobie poked her head round the door opening rubbing her eyes. "What's wrong? Why are you sitting on the floor in a duvet cocoon?" she sighed slightly smiling.

"I can't find Scarlett's hotel room which is frustrating because all I want is to be next to her because she calms me and right now all I want to be is calm but Scarlett isn't here so I'm not!" you rambled, breath hitching every space in the sentence. Cobie's smile soon disappeared before she rushed next to you wrapping herself in the duvet so you were in the duvet cocoon together. 

"I's ok it's ok!" she slightly chuckled wrapping her arm round you rubbing your arm. "I'll text her now come and get you and I'll stay with you still then." she kissed your head as you leaned it on her shoulder whilst Cobie got out her phone and texted Scarlett hopefully she saw it. 

Well surprisingly, it was only a few minutes till you could heard the soft pitter patter of feet running up to you and Cobie. Scarlett had a hoodie, sweatpants and also a pair of fluffy socks on with her hair messily tied up. "Come here silly billy." she smiled softly taking your hand lifting you up at the same time Cobie stood up.

"Night night kiddo." Cobie kissed you on the cheek before you walked ahead of Scarlett. Scarlett bought Cobie into a quick hug and thanked her for letting her know and the two wished each other goodnight before going separate ways.

You both walked into Scarlett's hotel room with Scarlett behind you, as she closed the door you flopped face flat from exhaustion on her bed making Scarlett chuckle before getting into bed next to yo, she lay down on her side facing you still face down on the pillow sighing every now and then.

"Nightmare again?" she whispered before you nodded into the pillow. "You wanna talk about it?" You shook your head. "Ok, that's ok you don't have to." she placed a hand on your back before rubbing it, trying to soothe you to sleep. "I know it might be hard but try and get some sleep ok? I'm right here, I'll protect you! You're nor alone!" Scarlett turned over to turn the lamp off and then turning to face you again, still face flat into the pillow. 

(Bold Italics - Scarlett singing) - I know this is not the order (if you know the song) I just prefer these parts 

Lavender's blue, dilly, dilly
Lavender's green
When I am king, dilly, dilly
You shall be queen

Who told you so, dilly, dilly
Who told you so?
'Twas my own heart, dilly, dilly
That told me so

Call up your men, dilly, dilly
Set them to work
Some to the plough, dilly, dilly
Some to the fork

Some to make hay, dilly, dilly
Some to cut corn
While you and I, dilly, dilly
Keep ourselves warm.

Lavender's green, dilly, dilly
Lavender's blue
If you love me, dilly, dilly
I will love you

Let the birds sing, dilly, dilly
And the lambs play
We shall be safe, dilly, dilly
Out of harm's way

I love to dance, dilly, dilly
I love to sing
When I am queen, dilly, dilly
You'll be my king:
Who told me so, dilly, dilly
Who told me so?
I told myself, dilly, dilly
I told me so

Scarlett looked slightly up to see that your body had shifted to face her, your eyes were shut and soft snore were escaping your mouth. Scarlett smiled to herself before closing her eyes. "Always works!" Scarlett smirked, slightly laughing before letting sleep consume her.

Scarlett Johansson x teen!reader ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora