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“daddy and papa, work again?” channie pouts in front of us, making me even sadder to leave him at jaemin.

“i'm sorry baby, we need to work.” donghyuck pecks the baby's lips and pushed the shirt towards the baby's body.

“channie, wait for papa and daddy? at school?”

“yes…” donghyuck nods and wrapped everything—the baby's things inside a bag.


he hums.

“we can bring him to work tomorrow.” i said. “let's bring him with us.”

“weally daddy? papa! papa! daddy said i can go to work!”

“no, baby. we will bring you with us while we work. you won't work channie, you're still a baby.” i chortle.

“but… s-sir. you have a lot of meetings tomorrow—”

“love, i'm mark.”

“i know.” he squints his eyes.

“and stop calling me sir.” i roll my eyes. “anyway, let's bring him with us tomorrow.”

“are you sure?” donghyuck hesitates, i nodded.

“yeah. it's saturday tomorrow right?”

“y-yeah?” he says in a hesitant voice

“is that okay channie? daddy and papa will bring you to work tomorrow.”

“otay, okay!” channie giggled and lifted his arms for me to carry him and i did. i heard donghyuck huff, making me smile, before carrying his own things but i tugged it off him.

“i can carry that—”

i shrug him off. “nah. i can carry this much.”

i locked the baby on his carseat and made sure he's safe back there before opening the car door for donghyuck who just came out after locking my house's door. i walked back to my seat and started the car.

assuming—of that little chance that he'd allow me to, i lend a hand on donghyuck for him to hold it while i drive. damn, i'm using every chance i could to initiate contact with him.

“what's that?”

“i was hoping you'd want to carry my hand for me, it's heavy.” i laughed. it was a pick-up line i got from taeil yesterday that i just got the chance to use now.

but donghyuck stayed silent beside me while staring right into my hands. the atmosphere got awkward so i pulled my hand away and put it on the center console.

damn, i got embarassed in there.

“i'm sorry.” i cleared my throat and finally drove away from the house.

in between the awkwardness between donghyuck and me, the baby was loud. he is playing with his ipad and i think he's playing some gun games. he was so invested in it that he didn't even notice his papa and i, haven't talked again after that.

“mark.” he broke the silence, making me drive slower and look at him for a bit. “yeah?”

he wrapped one hand on my arm before completely tugging it away from the wheel and slowly, gently intertwining our hands. i could feel his hands shiver but i've had my lips tug into a very wide smile. i literally felt the urge to stop the car, go far and scream.

this is making me so gay.

“i'll carry your hand for you.” he says and kisses it. i swore my heart leaped twice compared to what it is doing now. it's a simple act, and i've recieved this kind of skinship a lot of times already, but fuck this just feels different. everything feels the best whenever i'm doing it with donghyuck.

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