Discussing the plan PT.3

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<Jungwon pov>

I woke up to my alarm and decided to go out for a run, it's been a while since I went out so I bought a dagger with me just in case and only stayed inside the territory. But in the end, I went out and went to the spot I always went to, I sat down and enjoyed the sunrise and the breeze, the mornings are what I look for when I wake up, it feels relaxing.

I closed my eyes and just breathed in and out for a few minutes before I heard rustling behind me, you see I was on a cliff. I stood up and drew my dagger out and looked around to see where the noise came from, I moved forward as it was to my right and I charged forward and put my dagger against its throat.


Me: Dad?!

Dad: Hey bud

I got off of him and helped him stand up, I put my dagger back and went to get my water bottle near the cliff. I looked back on my dad and he was leaning on a tree, admiring the view though he missed the sunrise.

Me: You missed it.

Dad: You? Yeah, I miss going out on runs with you. And yeah I did miss the sunrise.

Me: *sighs* I miss you too Dad, it's just that-

Dad: I know, you don't need to push this whole bonding thing again right away, that's why I've been looking out for you from afar you know.

Me: Thanks Dad, have you seen it?

Dad: About YG being the new leader of my old mafia group? Yeah, PD-nim showed it to me since he met me a couple of days ago.

Me: You two met up?

Dad: Well it was more like a surprise visit from him.

We stayed like that for a while, standing next to each other and admiring the view from the cliff, we can see the HYBE building from here and the building where we used to live in. I closed my eyes and started to imagine all of the things we could've done with mom right now and for the past years, I miss you, Mom. I open my eyes and Dad was gone, I look back at the view one last time before running back to the hospital, I got back and saw Ni-ki and Jake at the entrance.

Jake: You went for a run?

Me: Yeah, it's been a while so.

Ni-ki: You are in a good mood today.

Me: I met Dad that's why.

Ni-ki and Jake: What?!

Me: He did nothing but reminisce with me, I bet he thought of mom when he saw me. He once told me he reminded me so much of her and I agree hehe.

Ni-ki: I guess he did change.

Me: I told you.

Jake: Yeah yeah, but no one else is awake, it's just us three.

Me: I wanna visit the I-Land house.

Ni-ki: Let's go, I miss Taki.

Jake: Hehe I miss hanging out with the rest of 02z.

Jungwon: I miss Daniel even though he visited us last night.

Jake and Ni-ki: Yeah 

We started walking to the I-Land house, Ni-ki and I were talking while Jake hyung was in front of us, he was just enjoying the breeze. It's been windy for a couple of days now but we love it, we usually anticipate these windy days since it's quite refreshing. We arrived and we saw Seon hyung with some of the I-landers.

Me: Looks like they went out for a run too.

Ni-ki: Yeah and it looks like it's killing them hehe.

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