Discussing the plan PT.2

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<Sunoo pov>

Jungwon and Hyunsuk hyung are at the meeting room and Jihoon hyung and Doyoung are with me, the rest wanted to do some stuff so it was just us three in the room, Ni-ki wasn't here since he needed to get something in the house. I was on my phone when Doyoung called me.

Doyoung: Sunoo, can you uh wait, Jihoon hyung, can you move me closer to Sunoo?

Jihoon: Sure

Jihoon hyung moved the bed closer taking the side table away from the middle before moving the bed, Doyoung showed me something on his laptop and well I looked into it.

Doyoung: Do you know who this person is?

Me: Yeah, he's Chinese but he lives in Japan and he used to work for my parents, why?

Doyoung: Well, uhm he encrypted a message to me, and well it says, "Master Sunoo stay safe"

Me: Did he say, master?

Doyoung: Yeah, want me to show you?

Me: Yes please

Doyoung showed me and the way it was encrypted was the method I told them to do if they ever want to contact me in secret, even my parents know how to do this and my sister. This is bad, we need to warn the others. 

Me: Jihoon hyung, can you call Hyunsuk hyung and uh tell them that later when they come back, we need to discuss something, I'll call Ni-ki and Doyoung you should call Junkyu hyung.

Doyoung: Okay

Jihoon: Okay Sunoo

I grabbed my phone and went to my contacts and called Ni-ki.

Me: Riki, are you almost done?

Ni-ki: Yes hyung, do you need anything?

Me: Just a hoodie maybe but is anyone with you?

Ni-ki: Jay hyung is with me, why?

Me: Please keep an eye out.

Ni-ki: Why?

Me: I got a message from an old friend, I think he got attacked or something.

Ni-ki: Okay, I'll tell Jay hyung.

Me: Thanks Puma, come back safe alright?

Ni-ki: We will, I love you.

Me: I love you too.

The call ended and I went over to my laptop and started digging more into it, Doyoung said he was having a hard time locating where it came from but knowing how to do it, I knew where it was a few minutes later. Wait, the location is near here!? But why?

Jihoon: Something wrong?

Me: This location is 1 hour away, that's inside the territory.

Doyoung: What? Why is your territory large?

Me: Bang PD-nim has small companies he invested in within that so more of us than you think.

Jihoon: Oh wow

Doyoung: Uh so wait uhm, okay. But how did you get in so fast?

Me: I was the one that taught them how to do this, it's something only my family knows and it's something I made so that hackers have a difficult time other than encrypting the message.

Doyoung: You made this?

Me: Yeah

Jihoon: I don't understand anything but it looks cool.

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