Chapter 1

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Ezra's POV

I burst through the doors, everyone immediately raises their guns at me. I smirk as I walk past them with my hands by my side swaying my hips.

They're all shaking in fear as I walk past them. I mentally laugh, pathetic fucking mafia.

I approach the bottom of the stairs and I'm met with my father.

"Father." I say blankly.
"Daughter." He says.

"I've come for my daughter." I spit out. "Give her to me now." I continue.

He chuckles softly. "You will get to see her, but first." He pauses. "You're coming with me darling."

He turns around and walks through the hallway to his office.

We walk into his office, he sits in his obnoxiously large chair.

"Please sit Ezra." He smirks. "I'm good." I smile innocently.

"I think it's time." He continues to smirk.

I tilt my head. "Time for what father?" I ask sarcastically, knowing what he's about to say.

"You're going to southern Italy." He answers. "Ahh the Vincenzo's." I chuckle lowly. "That's a suicide mission, they're a lot more stronger than you and you know that." I smirk.

He nods. "Well if you don't take the job, little Lily will have to suffer."


"I'll take the job, you lay a finger on my daughter. I will not hesitate to burn this mafia down to the ground." I glare at him.

I turn around and walk out of his office slamming the door behind me.

I head up the stairs and walk to my favorite room of the house.

I open the door and smile.

She gasps. "Momma." She smiles as she runs up to me.

I scrunch my nose and smile as I bend down to her.

"Hi mi amore." I say as she wraps her arms around my neck.

"You came back like you promised." She giggles. "I did." I smile.

I pick her up and place her on her bed.

"I don't want to stay here anymore." She sniffles. "Grandpa's men are mean, they always say grandpa's gonna hurt you if I don't listen."

She looks up at me as her eyes water. "I don't want to hurt you momma." She says as a tear slides down her face.

"You could never hurt me baby." I hug her tightly. "We're leaving tonight, your staying with Iris." I smile.

She smiles back at me. "I miss Iris." She says leaning against me.

"I do to, on the bright side she doesn't live in Italy." I say.

"So grandpa's men won't find us." She asks excitedly. I sigh. "Yes Lily, they won't find us."

2:00 in the morning

I packed three weeks of Lily's cloths, I gave her a shit ton of money to give to Iris.

I take her hand and we walk out of the back and head to the garage.

I hacked the house cameras and street cameras so my father and his men can't track us.

I get in a car and drive off.

Little introduction.

My name is Ezra Ferrari, I'm an assassin for my father's mafia. I have no choice but to work for him. If I don't he'll kill Lily, like he killed my grandma.

My father runs the Northern Italian mafia, he wants me to take out the Southern Italian mafia. Our family's are enemies, they have no idea that my father has me or any kids.

They're also the strongest mafia in the world.
My dads mafia is a close uh ten. He acts like he's second.

I hate my father and he hates me. It wasn't always like that though. My dad and I used to be so close, not anymore.

Lily is my daughter she five turning six, I had her when I was sixteen. Her father was an absolute asshole, so I killed him.

She didn't care that I did she also hated him. She started to hate her father at the age of three. That's just sad.

That's really all about me.
You'll find out more later on.

I pull into a wooded area.

"Come on baby we're here." I smile.

She nods and gets out of the car.

Iris runs up to us.

"Holy shit, finally." She exclaims hugging me tightly.

She's also an assassin, her fathers my dads right hand. She also hates her father because he'd abuse her mother right in front of her.

Uh our mafia is messed up in the brain.

"Hi Iris." Lily smiles. "Lil." She exclaims squeezing her to death.

"Ready to party hard in France." She cheers as Lily giggles.

I sigh knowing, I won't be seeing her for a long time.

I bend down and I hug Lily tightly.

"You're leaving again?" She asks.

I pull away. "I'm sorry, I have to. I promise you I'll be back for you're birthday." I smile.

I watch her lip start to quiver. "Pinky promise." She says as her voice breaks. "Pinky promise." I say holding back my tears. We connect our pinkies.

I hug her again tightly.

"I love so much mi amore." I say. "I love you too momma." She hugs me tightly.

I cup her little face and kiss her on her forehead.

"Behave." I say sternly. "Listen to Iris, ok." I continue. "And most importantly be brave, I'll be back."

I stand up and walk to my car.

I get in and look out the window.

Lily is hiding her face in Iris's hip, they're both waving at me.

I wave back at them and pull out and head back to my dads house.

I hate leaving Lily, she deserves so much more.


Hello my fabulous chicken nuggets!!!

This was the first chapter, if you have any grammar corrections, spell checks, please let me know ASAP.

The chapter will get longer in the future, I didn't realize how short it was until after the fact. But they will get longer.

See you in the next one ❤️

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