MDC Anniversary Part 2

Start from the beginning

To my surprise, Mr. Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne, regular customers of Miss M, King T'challa, another regular customer, and even Mrs. Tikki and Mr. Plagg were there. They were top couple models, incredibly wealthy. I couldn't believe they were here. All the celebrities from around the world had gathered for this event. Oh God, please save me; I'm going to faint.

After Miss M delivered a short speech, she left for the VIP room with her manager. The Scarface group and I moved away to enjoy our food, far from Miss BRAT and her lies.

Marinette's / Miss M's POV - Before entering the VIP Hall, I took a deep breath to prepare myself for the worst-case scenario. As I entered, the hall was filled with people. I felt suffocated, but business is business, and I was trained to handle anything. I stood in a corner, holding a glass of red wine, enjoying my solitude as Mr. L gathered some notes and details from people, scheduling meetings and seeking tips.

Suddenly, someone approached me and interrupted my peace. "Hello, young lady, may I ask you a question?" I was furious, but before I looked up to see who had disturbed my solitude, I answered the question, not even bothering to look at the person. "You've already asked me one question, now leave." I knew I was being rude, but whoever this person was, they were responsible for this intrusion. Mr. L swiftly came to my side, seeing me engaged in a conversation, knowing well what I could say if angered. He tried to intervene, saying, "Miss M, you should pay attention to who you're speaking to. It seems rude..." I glared at Mr. L for his words, as he dared to tell me what to do. He seemed scared, but before he could say anything, I finally looked up at the person I had been talking to.

"Okay, now I've seen him. Does that satisfy you?" I asked Mr. L, but before he could respond, the person spoke up. "Didn't you recognize me?" He seemed confused, expecting a different reaction from me. "Yeah, I know you're Mr. Stark," I replied in a bored and uninterested tone. "Well, don't you want an autograph or something? Others are waiting in line, but you're just standing there quietly, not saying anything. May I ask why?" His statement annoyed me, and I answered him with what came to my tongue, though in a somewhat more refined manner, given his age. I didn't want to curse at him, but if he continued to bother me, I wouldn't hesitate to speak my mind. "Well, I'm not interested in that stuff. I mean, flirting with you just because you're famous and rich and satisfying your big ego by getting an autograph? No, that's probably the last thing on earth I would think of. Are you done? You're annoying me, so stay out of my face and try to keep your ego in check while you're talking to me." I knew I was being excessively rude to a VIP, but I wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone. Mr. L gave me a look, expecting an apology, but I couldn't care less. I ignored his gaze and made it clear that I wouldn't apologize and that I didn't want to engage with anyone at the moment. Surprisingly, he seemed to understand what I wanted and backed off with something.

Then, I noticed Tikki and Plagg approaching. I had to maintain a professional demeanor, so I pretended not to see them and continued standing alone. "Well, hello, Miss M. I'm glad to see you. It's been a long time since I commissioned you. We haven't had a chance to talk. Let me introduce you to my life partner, Plagg." Before I could say anything, I heard a squeal from Mr. L. "Mr. L, would you please leave me alone with the guest? You can attend to other matters or gather opinions about the decorations and such." I signaled Mr. L to leave, and because he was concerned about my mood and behavior, he whispered in my ear, "I'll go, but behave yourself and think about what you say. I'll be keeping an eye on you from a distance. If anything seems off or fishy, I'll be right there before you even blink. Got that?" I was surprised by his words but secretly amused. He didn't know that Tikki and Plagg were my foster parents, and how could I talk so rudely to them? I simply nodded in agreement.

"Is he your boyfriend or something? He seems to care a lot about you and your career," Tikki asked, whispering so that only Plagg and I could hear. "If you think so, feel free to believe it. But for your information, he has his own girlfriend," I replied, maintaining my composure. "Then why does he care about you? Doesn't he love his own life? When his girlfriend finds out, she'll rip him apart," Plagg asked, seemingly trying harder to make me worried or at least change my facial expression. Unfortunately for him, he failed. "She knows me, and she trusts me enough to know that her man can talk or even flirt with me without causing any problems. If he were to say that we were dating, she would ask me first to confirm it before reacting." I said, my expression unchanged, but a smirk creeping onto my face. "Okay, you win again. I lose once more," Plagg conceded, and they both walked off to talk to another celebrity. Now it was time to warn Mr. Wayne. And as I got lost in my thoughts, he...

Ha Ha Ha... It's a cliffhanger! Now, you can speculate on what will happen next and share your thoughts. However, I'm confident that none of you will guess correctly. Give it a try nonetheless, and if by some miracle you do get it right, I promise to acknowledge you in my next chapter and follow you. It's an exciting opportunity, so don't miss out! AND BEST OF LUCK!!!

For Losing Ha! Ha! Ha! (Evil Laugh) 😈😈😏

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