the way our horizons meet

Start from the beginning

He then chuckled before Joe got up and left the cell, with it automatically closing behind him. But he found Kara standing outside of the pipeline entrance, staring at him with sadness. "I thought cleaning him up would make me feel better," Joe said before he sat down on a nearby edge.

"The more he looks like his old self, the more it reminds you how lost he is," Kara said, barely above a whisper before she sat next to Joe.

"You have to believe that things can get better. There is an answer for every question," Joe assured her.

"I don't think I know how anymore, Joe," Kara told him.

"I know that feeling," Joe said and Kara looked at him. "I was struggling with it too. But I figured it out."

"How?" Kara asked.

"Church," Joe answered, and by Kara's confused look, he laughed.

"But -- you haven't gone to church since -- well never since I've known you," Kara said and Joe smiled.

"I know," he said. "Cecile suggested it. Thought it would help. But I swear, one of the priest's homilies, it was like, it was like he wrote it for me. Strength means nothing without faith. And I started realizing that my strength didn't stop me from thinking I lost Iris to Savitar, or that we'd never see Barry again. Cecile reminded me to have faith, and I believed. And here you two are." He saw Kara's expression go sad again. "You have strength, just need a little hope."

"Joe, Kara, Samural's twenty-four hours are up."

"We gotta go," Joe said as he got up.

"I'll catch up," Kara said and he nodded before he left the pipeline. Kara slowly got up and headed for the cell Barry was in, who was cluelessly still writing on the wall. She stared at him sadly before placing out her palm against the cell wall. "Come find me." She then walked away, and when she did, Barry eyed her handprint on the cell glass intensely.

Streets of Central City

The Samurai was surrounded by SWAT pointing guns at him, led by Joe, all of them waiting for Supergirl to come to make her move. "I don't see The Flash," the Samurai said.

"I'm afraid you're gonna have to make do with us," Joe said, just stalling for Supergirl. But Supergirl never came.

From the side, Kara walked up to the Samurai, causing Joe to panic, even though he clearly knew she was Supergirl. "Kara!" he snapped, but Kara kept her eyes on the Samurai.

"You want The Flash? Take me instead," Kara insisted.

"Why?" the Samurai asked.

"Because he'll come find me," Kara assured.

"And how do you know this?" the Samurai asked.

"I have hope," she told him. The two stared at each other for a moment, until the Samurai suddenly grabbed Kara and flew off.

Joe stepped forward as fear struck in him. "KARA!"


Joe hurriedly ran into the cortex, to find Caitlin, Cisco, and Wally walking to Mon-El, who was sitting in a chair by a computer. "Hey!" Joe yelled and they all looked back at him. Of course, he saw Mon-El and wondered why or how he was there, but things were more important. "Samurai's got Kara. She gave herself up to him."

"What?" Caitlin asked as Mon jumped up from his seat. "Why would she do that? How do we get her back?" Mon looked down at video footage to see Barry in his cell. An idea flooded through him before he zoomed out from the room.

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Where stories live. Discover now