show me what to do (thominho)

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Minho and Thomas had been running through the maze for quite a while at this point, sweaty and growing tired after hours of jogging. Thomas was almost bored, and so was Minho. It had been a relatively boring week in the maze, and Minho already knew the section inside and out. So Minho, knowing most of the secrets in the maze, suggested they try a shortcut route. He already had the entire section mapped, why run it all again?

Thomas was keeping up with Minho just fine, but he was about ready for a break. The shortcut idea seemed like a good one to him, so he suggested that a shorter route and longer lunch break seemed like a good idea. Minho agreed, and they jogged to a dead end section of the maze so they could enjoy there lunch in privacy. Even though the only things that could possibly intrude on there privacy was grievers, and that wasn't very likely.  They sat down against the wall, backs to the stone so they could see if anything snuck up on them (not that anything would).

Within a few minutes they had undone their backpacks and began eating, sitting in silence for a moment. The only sound was the crunching of the apple Thomas was eating, and eventually Minho decided to break the silence.
"So. That Teresa girl. What do you think?"

Thomas just shrugged, finishing the bite of apple he was mumbling a "shes ok." Then proceeded to eat his lunch as if he wasn't too bothered.

"Rrally? I thought you liked her." Minho raised asked an eyebrow in suspicion as he took a bite of his ham sandwich.

Thomas just shrugged in reply.

" you like someone else?" Minho asked, poking Thomas's arm.

Thomas once again just shrugged, but his face was beginning to blush a shade of pink.

"So that's a yes." Minho nodded. "Are you sure it's not her? And if it's not, then its gotta be one of the thanks back in the glade."

Thomas unsurprisingly, shrugged his shoulders.

Minho sighed, shaking his head. "Dude, you have gotta give me more to work with."

Thomas ran his fingers through his hair, heart hammering in his chest. "Honestly, I think it's a bit of both. Or not. I dont even know."

"A bit of both? Both what?" Minho continued pressing on, by now just wanting answers.

"Well I mean... Teresa is really pretty, but theres other people around her that...." Thomas trailed off, scratching his head in frustration as he tried to put the words together.

"Other people around here that are good lokkin' too, huh? Who, Newt? Because you wouldn't be wrong-" Minho finished for him.

"What? No-" Thomas interrupted with a shake of his head. "I mean....yes, but...there's a couple other people, and I dont even know if I actually like them or not."

"Have you kisses anyone? Boy or girl? That's one way to find out." Minho suggested.

Thomas shook his head.

"Hm." Minho nodded, stroking his chin. "Do you want to?"

"What?" Thomas asked, eyes widening. He wasn't sure exactly what Minho meant by that, but surprisingly he seemed ok with it. "Wait....with you?"

"Well if uph want to. I know this might come as a surprise, but I've had my fair share of experience with some of the slintheads around here." Minho said, leaning forward slightly.

"Uhhh..." Thomas blushed a darker shake of red, and Minho leaned forward. Their faces were barely inches away, and Minho simply repeated his question. "Do you want to know?" He asked slowly, enjoying the way he was teasing Thomas. The greenie was struggling to appear casual, but he didn't answer. After a few tantalizingly long seconds, he gave a single nod.

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