a special case (sterek)

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”How much?” Derek asked from the open window. The man, face full of fascinating little moles, honey colored eyes and long slender fingers, leaned in and smirked, ”Depends what you wanna do or 500 for the night.”

Derek nodded and signaled the lad to get in the car, ”The night it is. Get in.” The man looked at him wearily. Derek frowned, ”What?”

”You aren't gonna kill me, are you?”

”Why would I kill you? It's just sex, I don't go kill people,” Derek said and the guy smiled and opened the car door, getting in.

”You have anything you don't want to do?” Derek asked and started driving. The guy shrugged, ”Choking and blindfolding. Anything else is fine. Not too fond of watersports either, to be honest. But if you're willing to pay, I won't mind. I'm Stiles, by the way. Who are you?” Derek was watching him as he talked. His lips were so enchanting. He could probably stare at his lips forever, never getting tired of it.

His name, though. Derek could swear he had heard that name somewhere.

”Derek. I'm not into watersports, don't worry. Also, green for good, yellow for talking, red for stopping, understood?” Stiles nodded. The rest of the ride was quiet excluding the time when Stiles almost got his hands on his radio.

”Don't touch it.”

Stiles whined, ”Whaa? Why not? This music sucks!”

”I like it. Nobody touches my radio, you're not a special case,” Derek said and Stiles pouted, ”But I want to be a special case. I'll rim you for free?”

”Nobody touches my ass either.”

”You suck.”

”Oh, you just wait.”


They arrived at Derek's house and Stiles jumped off the car. To Derek, Stiles was nothing like a prostitutes he had come across earlier, being all jumpy and excited. They went inside and Derek put down his keys.

”So, nice hou-...” Stiles was cut off by Derek's lips on his. He kissed back roughly while Derek hoisted him up. He wrapped his legs around Derek's waist and they continued kissing while Derek started to walk them to his room. Or so Stiles thought.

Derek brought him to a room which was like straight from a porn movie. Everywhere he watched was leather. Leather seats, leather couch, leather handcuffs hanging from the sealing. Everything was leather.

”Oh, you kinky bastard. We're gonna have so much fun in here,” Stiles mumbled and started ripping Derek's shirt off. After that was done Derek stopped him, ”Do you have diseases?” Stiles shook his head. ”I was tested week ago, nothing. Haven't have sex since then.”

Derek frowned, ”But you're a prostitute.” Stiles smirked, flicking Derek's nipple, making him moan, ”I'm a special case, I don't give it up for just anyone.” He unbuckled Derek's belt, dropping his pants and boxers, revealing already hard 9 inch cock. Stiles whistled, ”Not bad.”

”Fuck, come on, Stiles.” Stiles dropped to his knees licking from the tip of Derek's cock to the base. Derek moaned loudly and Stiles smiled at how easy it was to make Derek moan. He took his cock into his mouth sucking it right in until it hit the back of his throat.

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